
lún jī yuán
  • engineer
  1. 轮机员呼叫(病室呼叫)装置测验。

    Function test of engineer calling device ( call device in hospital ) .

  2. 轮机员能操纵主机如上程序。

    Engineer is able to manoeuvre the main engine in the former procedure .

  3. 轮机员和船舶检验师咨询协会会员

    Fellow of the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors

  4. 柴油机增压器喘振历来是轮机员工作中较为头疼的故障之一。

    Turbo-charger 's surging is always one of the faults which crewmen meet with .

  5. 调速器作为远洋船舶大型主机遥控的重要控制设备,历来受到船公司和轮机员的关注和重视。

    As an important control equipment of ocean ship main engine , Governor all ways is recognized and concerned by ship companies and engineers .

  6. 第三十二条船长、驾驶员、轮机长、轮机员、电机员、报务员,必须由持有相应适任证书的人担任。

    Article 32 The Master , deck officers , chief engineer , engineers , electrical engineer and radio operator must be those in possession of appropriate certificates of competency .

  7. 目前船舶冷却水系统的故障诊断,大多数是依靠轮机员的经验来检测和判断的,但是这样一旦发生故障,很难及时排除。

    Fault diagnosis of marine main engine cooling water system mostly relies on the experience of engineers to detect and judge in previous time , but in that situation it is difficult to promptly exclude once there is malfunction in the system .

  8. 本节所称船员,包括船长、轮机长、驾驶员、轮机员、无线电人员、引航员和水上飞机、潜水器的相应人员以及其他船员。

    The term " crew members " as mentioned in the present section includes the captain , chief engineer , driver , engineer , radio and telephone operator , pilot , the corresponding personnel of the seaplanes and submersibles , as well as other crew members .

  9. 因此,建立船舶机舱的虚拟现实仿真系统,是对现有船舶轮机仿真器很有益的补充,有利于提高轮机员培训的教学质量。

    So , building the Marine Engine Room Virtual Reality Simulator is a beneficial supplement of present Marine Engine Room Simulator , and also improves the training quality .