
  • 网络model ship
  1. 我想要给我的儿子买一艘轮船模型。

    I 'd like buy a model ship for my son .

  2. 彼得不打算做一个轮船模型。

    Peter is not going to make a model ship .

  3. 孩子们用木片制作轮船模型。

    The children modeled a ship out of bits of wood .

  4. 那是他们到目前为止所制的最大轮船模型。

    It was the biggest ship model that they had ever made .

  5. 约翰专心致志地造轮船模型。

    John was submerged in making the ship model .

  6. 这个轮船模型是他制作的。

    The model ship was made By him .

  7. 你看,那边就有一艘轮船的模型。

    Look , there is a steamboat model over there .

  8. 设计师把一个蒸汽轮船的模型放在桌上,招呼且手们走近。

    The designer put a steamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach .