
  • 网络artie;Atty
  1. 安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊朝休息室走去。

    Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer

  2. 当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人。

    When Artie stopped calling altogether , Julie found a new man

  3. 阿蒂对他身边那些期盼的面孔嗤之以鼻。

    Arty sneered at the crowd of eager faces around him

  4. 晚餐后艾利斯溜出去跟阿蒂到林子里散步。

    After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie

  5. 阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心。

    Artie treated most women with indifference

  6. 有些品牌使用黑色和白色的样式,把令人惊叹的巧妙创意融入设计中,比如FaceAFace的“阿蒂2”(Artie2)、吉米?克里斯特尔(JimmyCrystal)的JCS601和兰迪?杰克逊(RandyJackson)的RJ3016——没错,就是那个兰迪?杰克逊。

    Black and white patterns bring stunning sophistication to designs from Face A Face ( Artie2 ) , Jimmy Crystal ( JCS601 ) and Randy Jackson ( RJ3016 ) - yes , that Randy Jackson .

  7. 他们是唯一把你和阿蒂联系起来的人。

    They 're the only ones that can connect Artie to you .

  8. 阿蒂死了。诺琳猜测你是同谋者。

    Artie 's dead . noreen 's fingered you as the accomplice .

  9. 也许你参与其中并帮助了阿蒂。

    Maybe you were in on it and helped artie .

  10. 也许你第一天里接触阿蒂的时间够长了。

    Perhaps you have had enough exposure to atti for the first day .

  11. 在你右手边的桥对岸,你会看到阿蒂仙的香水店。

    Across the bridge to your right , you will see L'Artisan Perfumeur .

  12. 你还要知道关于阿蒂的事。

    You still want to know about artie .

  13. 你会看到阿蒂仙香水店

    you will see L ' Artisan Parfumeur

  14. 阿蒂称自己是鲍勃斯宾塞。

    Artie called himself Bob spenser .

  15. 亨德森实现了自我,带着象征他重生的幼狮阿蒂以及小男孩回到美国。

    Henderson eventually achieves self-realization , taking the baby lion Atti and a boy back to America , which symbolizes his rebirth .

  16. 年轻时他搬到了纽约城,与著名的音乐人阿蒂?肖和哈里?詹姆斯一起工作。

    He moved to New York City as a young man and worked with such famous musicians as Artie Shaw and Harry james .

  17. 位于新墨西哥州的小镇阿蒂西亚恐会受到打击,因为此地有炼油厂,并且靠近白沙导弹靶场以及现在已被废弃的沃克空军基地。

    Artesia , a town in New Mexico , felt it would be attacked due to its refinery and proximity to White Sands Missile Range and the now-abandoned Walker Air Force Base .

  18. 与此同时,女演员纳赞宁•波妮阿蒂——在忤逆该宗教的领袖大卫-密斯凯维吉之前的2004年11月到2005年1月,被教会精心挑选出来作为克鲁斯的女朋友,也离开了该教会。

    Meanwhile , actress Nazanin Boniadi -- the woman who was allegedly handpicked by the church to be Cruise 's girlfriend from November 2004 until January 2005 before running afoul of the religion 's leader David Miscavage -- also left the church .