
ā chāng zú
  • the Achang nationality, living in Yunnan Province;the Achang nationality
阿昌族 [ā chāng zú]
  • [the Achang nationality] 居住在云南省西南部陇川、梁河和临近的潞西、龙陵等县的一个少数民族

阿昌族[ā chāng zú]
  1. 阿昌族有语言无文字。

    Achang there is no language text .

  2. 阿昌族习惯法的传承与社会功能

    The Transition and Social Functions of the Customary Laws of the A-Chang Nationality

  3. 阿昌族社会对于“性”的认知和态度往往与传宗接代的生殖观念糅合在一起。

    The comprehension and attitude about the sex in Achang society often mixed with the traditional idea of procreate .