
  1. 最后磨些胡椒粉洒在上面。

    Grind on some pepper .

  2. 吐蕃势力扩张至今川滇地区后,磨些部落在西南各部落中与之先有接触,地域相连,但无力与之大规模持续战争。

    With the territorial expansion of Tufan Regime to nowadays ' Sichuan and Yunnan regions , Moxie Tribe came in contact with it first because of the contiguous territory , but had no capacity to have continuous big wars with it .

  3. 如果你把这个磨钝些。

    If you blunted this stick .

  4. 你能替我把这个磨得锋利些吗?

    Think you can put a sharper edge on this for me ?

  5. 可以把尖端磨得更锋利些,这样切割起来更顺更快。

    The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster .

  6. 如果是自己磨咖啡,要磨得精细些。

    If you are grinding your own coffee beans , grind them more finely .