
  1. 畲族服饰图案的美术内涵

    Art Implication of Garment Decorative Pattern She Minority

  2. 彩带是畲族服饰中最具装饰性的织品,其文化内涵和传统染织技术颇具代表性。

    Sash is the best ornament weaving fabric in She Minority 's costumes and ornaments and its culture and traditional textile technology are typical .

  3. 畲族服饰的材料、缝制、绣花、染色均为纯手工制作,针针线线都渗透着畲族人淳朴而自然的审美意趣,蕴含着本民族的地域文化内涵。

    The costume of the She nationality is completely made by hand no matter material , sewing , embroidery and dyeing , all of which permeate both the natural aesthetic sense of people of the She nationality and the national culture of the She nationality .

  4. 福建宁德霞浦地区畲族女性服饰图案探议

    Shes female costumes pattern in Ningde and Xiapu of Fujian

  5. 本文试图通过对畲族传统服饰的基本形制、纹样及功能的阐述,探究原始服饰文化艺术的产生与发展,更深层次地理解畲族传统服饰文化的精髓。

    This text attempts to probe into the production and development of culture and arts of the primitive dress by basic structure , line kind and exposition of the function of the Traditional Clothing of She Nationality , understands deeply the marrow of Traditional Clothing of She Nationality .