
cǎi dài
  • colored ribbon;coloured ribbon;colour bar;ticker-tape
彩带 [cǎi dài]
  • [colored ribbon] 各种颜色的丝绸带子

彩带[cǎi dài]
  1. 色彩鲜艳的彩带慢慢地落到两具狰狞的侍卫尸体和淋漓的血迹上。

    The brightly coloured ribbon slows falls onto the grotesque corpses of the two guards and the blood on the ground .

  2. 他们用彩带和聚会灯装饰公寓。

    They decorated the apartment with streamers and party lights .

  3. 普罗米修斯周期性的F环触的彩带,从材料的戒指

    Prometheus periodically gores the F ring drawing out streamers of material from the ring .

  4. 这是几乎相同的HTML如以前只是一些不同的文字和一个新的彩带。

    Which is pretty much the same HTML as previously just with some different text and a new ribbon .

  5. Clifford看到一盒糖果上的一条彩带。

    Clifford sees a ribbon on a box of candy .

  6. 包虫囊肿感染的CT表现为内外囊分离,囊壁增厚,囊内小气泡影及囊内彩带征。

    CT findings of infective hydatid cysts were separation between inside cysts and outside cysts , thickening of cystic wall , and intracystic small air bubble and color bar sign .

  7. 巴黎夜店的老板本杰明•帕图在接受记者采访时称,这位“女伴”已经答应参加本周五晚间在市区里格洛博舞厅举办的派对,届时宾客将戴上仿照贝卢斯科尼制作的哑剧面具,以及AC米兰球队队员的彩带。

    Paris nightclub impresario Benjamin Patou told the reporters the escort had agreed to attend a party at the downtown Le Globo dancehall late Friday , where guests will wear Berlusconi pantomime masks and staff AC Milan strips .

  8. 果然,聚餐那天,有6个陌生人从他们的房子里走了出来,将哈克尼地方议会(HackneyCouncil)友善提供的路障设置好,接着开始绑彩带、放座椅。

    Sure enough , on the day , half-a-dozen strangers emerged from their houses , set up the barriers kindly provided by Hackney Council , and started tying up bunting and putting out chairs .

  9. Rach那儿没有我喜欢的,除了这个圣诞彩带,我想,好吧,那我就政治化一点罗。

    Rachel , didn 't have anything that I liked , so , but she had this Christmas ribbon , and I thought , ' All right , fine I 'll be political . '

  10. 当多美·托尔(TomiTuel)的丈夫结束出差回到家后,多美给他煎了牛排、调了一杯香浓丝滑的鸡尾酒、烤了一块蛋糕,还在厨房餐桌上方的风扇上挂了许多聚会彩带。

    When Tomi Tuel 's husband comes home from a business trip , she grills him a steak and mixes up a Mudslide cocktail , bakes a cake and hangs party streamers from the fan over the kitchen table .

  11. 戴着彩带向路人发放各种商品的小册子。

    Wearing ribbons handing out pamphlets for all kinds of merchandise .

  12. 意大利:彩带意味着两个人的结合。

    Italy : Ribbons signify the tying together of two lives .

  13. 墙上挂满了冬青和槲寄生组成的垂花彩带,

    Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls ,

  14. 能抓下五月柱上所有的彩带吗?

    Can you catch all the ribbons on the maypole ?

  15. 这些活动不显示于陆军旗彩带。

    These campaigns are not displayed as streamers on the Army flag .

  16. 浙江畲族传统彩带的民俗文化与染织技术

    Folk Culture and Textile Technology of Shes ' Traditional Sash in Jingning

  17. 在艺术纸上交替地安排彩带并且黏在他们上面。

    Arrange the strips alternately on art paper and glue them on .

  18. 就在圣诞节前给学校运动员授予各种运动队彩带标志。

    Just before Christmas the various sports colours are awarded .

  19. 我们去那里买一些彩带。

    We were going in there to buy some ribbons .

  20. 回忆随着他挂在身上的勋章彩带一起逐渐褪色。

    Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears .

  21. 他们用彩带和鲜花装饰喜车。

    They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers .

  22. 我总想看到我的名字镶在五彩缤纷的彩带镜框中,挂在墙上。

    I wanted my name framed with colorful ribbons on the wall .

  23. 我们能不能一起来看一些彩带阿?

    Shall we all look for some ribbon together ?

  24. 这一条条街道简直像望不到头的彩带一样。

    These various streets look like endless colorful ribbons .

  25. 花团锦簇,彩带飘飞,为你,岸边人群熙熙嚷攘;

    For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths -- for you the shores accrowding ,

  26. 每只红尾鸲的腿上都用彩带绑上了一个独特的跟踪设备。

    Each individual was fitted with a unique combination of colored leg bands .

  27. 小孩们在他们的脚踏车上贴上黄色的彩带,希望能够吸引大使的注意。

    Children decorated their bicycles with yellow streamers to catch the ambassador 's attention .

  28. 用气球和纸彩带装饰的房间。

    A room decorated with balloons and streamers .

  29. 为了准备晚会,他们用气球和彩带布置房间。

    They did the room out with balloons and streamers ready for the party .

  30. ◇把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。

    Filled the air in this ribbon , into concerns sent to your remote .