
  1. 生活符号化的黄河流域彩陶艺术

    Symbolized Art of Ancient Painted Pottery of the Yellow River Basin

  2. 装饰艺术的渊源&彩陶艺术

    The origin of the art of decoration & ancient painted pottery art

  3. 彩陶艺术中的人性化表现

    Discussion On Art humanization From The Point Of Painted Pottery

  4. 仰韶彩陶艺术的综合研究

    A comprehensive study on Yangshao painted pottery art

  5. 简析大溪文化彩陶艺术

    Art of Ancient Painted Pottery in Da-xi Culture

  6. 彩陶艺术三题

    Three Topics of Color Pottery Art

  7. 中国远古彩陶艺术丰富的纹样中,鸟啄鱼纹特殊而有趣。

    Ancient Chinese ceramics have a verity of lines in which " bird peck fish " line is special and interesting .

  8. 彩陶艺术,它是现代艺术所向往的自然、和谐与人性的最纯正的案例。

    The art of painted pottery is a right example of nature , harmony and humanity which is admired by modern artists .

  9. 原始彩陶艺术对中国传统绘画的意蕴和表现方式产生过深远影响。

    The ancient painted pottery are is used to produce great influence on the connotation and the form of expression of the traditional Chinese paintings .

  10. 论文认为,从远古图腾和彩陶艺术而发展至今的传统吉祥纹样,是中华民族传统文化的象征。

    This dissertation holds that traditional auspicious patterns which stem from totems and glazed potteries of remote antiquity are the symbol of traditional culture of the Chinese nation .

  11. 新石器的彩陶艺术令人神往,本着较全面认识其中主要纹饰鱼纹和蛙纹的目的,我撰写了这篇论文。

    In Neolithic , the art of pottery is enchanting . The purpose is has a more comprehensive understanding with the main decorations fish-patterned , frog-patterned . I wrote the paper .

  12. 仰韶彩陶艺术开创了我国彩绘艺术的先河,它的优美造型与绚丽多姿的彩绘和谐统一,动物纹从写实到写意,植物纹图案化,几何纹变幻奇妙,其文化内涵丰富深厚。

    Yangshao painted pottery has started Chinese painting art in combination with graceful moulding and colorful painting . It is characterized by the animal patterns varying from realistic style to liberal style including plant patterns and geometric patterns which embody profound cultural meaning .

  13. 于是从彩陶艺术、青铜文化、玉器、漆器、金银器、瓷器,以及无数精彩的建筑、雕刻、绘画、文字,以至于人们生活所涉及的各种领域,具有了传统图形的基本形态。

    So from the pottery art , bronze culture , jade , lacquer , gold and silver , porcelain , and numerous wonderful architecture , sculpture , painting , writing , that people involved in various areas of life , with the basic form of the traditional graphic .

  14. 论原始彩陶装饰艺术的特点

    On Decorative Artistic Characteristics of Primitive Color Potter

  15. 半坡陶器是在老官台彩陶的基础上发展起来的,是中国彩陶艺术的第一座高峰。

    Grown out of the color pottery in Laoguantai , the Banpo pottery marked the first peak of art of color pottery in China .

  16. 对原始彩陶纹饰的学习和探究,包括了彩陶纹饰的艺术美、抽象符号性、纹饰的象征寓意。

    Study and explore of the Painted pottery decoration of the original , including painted pottery decoration of artistic beauty , abstract symbols and ornamentation of Symbolism .

  17. 通过对古代彩陶作品的分析和借鉴。在原始彩陶图案中吸取艺术创作新的发展思路和美学元素。

    Through analysis and reference of ancient pottery people absorb new development ideas and aesthetic elements of artistic creation from ancient pottery designs .

  18. 论文通过文献收集,实地考察对界首彩陶纹饰的发展历程和题材种类进行梳理归纳,进而研究界首彩陶纹饰的艺术风格及特色。

    This paper through the literature collection , field investigation the development course and the theme of Jieshou pottery were sum up , the artistic style and features and then study Jieshou pottery .