
  1. 重要小受端智能电网安全防御系统关键技术

    Key Techniques in Secure Defense of Important Local Receiving-end Smart Grid

  2. 伯从小受路德教教育,他父亲是一个牧师,童年就是在不断的布道和挨打中度过的,被教育要做一个圣洁的人。

    He had been brought up with Lutheranism , a pastor 's son subjected to sermons , beatings and high piety , and for all his protestations his films were full of it .

  3. 与之相反,奥本海默在优渥的环境中长大,他的天赋得到了很好的发展。他自小受鼓励,接受最好的教育。

    Oppenheimer , on the other hand , was raised in an environment where his gifts were cultured , he was encouraged from a young age , and was given the best education possible .

  4. 针对一种基于二次电子发射的跳跃电子阴极三极管结构进行了研究,这种特殊结构可以有效地提高了电子注电流密度,并减小受残余气体离子的对阴极轰击造成的阴极发射跌落。

    A hopping electron cathode triode structure based on secondary electron emission has been studied to improve current density of electron beam and reduce the cathode emission slump caused by ion bombardment of residual gases .

  5. 文中针对孤立小受端系统,通过仿真表明在大有功缺额扰动下此类系统极易出现低电压问题,从而很大程度上影响了频率行为,并影响了低频减载装置的动作。

    Especially for the small isolated receiving power systems , simulation results have shown that such systems will suffer from voltage problems which will affect the frequency behavior and furthermore the action of UFLS utilities .