
  1. 并对小屯煤焦在模拟分解炉中NO释放特性进行了实验研究,考察了气氛、温度、生料对焦炭氮释放特性的影响。

    And the characteristics of NO release during coal char combustion were investigated in bench scale prealciner under various conditions .

  2. 他将都城重新迁回殷,也就是今天的河南省安阳市小屯村附近。

    He reestablished the capital at Yin , in the neighborhood of present Xiaotuncun , in Anyang City of Henan Province .

  3. 盘庚迁殷,以往大多数学者认为是自奄迁于今之安阳洹南之殷墟,即今之小屯村一带。

    As to Pan Geng 's movement to Yin , many scholars held he came from An and moved to present-day An Yang Yin Ruins ( Yin Xu ) now a village named Xiao Tun on the south of the Huan River .

  4. 完成如此的工程需要庞大熟练工人的分工合作,而在安阳小屯附近发现的商代铸铜遗址的面积在10000平方米以上,正好符合当时的需要。

    To finish this great work , two or three hundreds skilled craftsmen were needed to perform different tasks . The site of bronze casting excavated near Xiaotuncun in Anyang is more than 100 000m2 , which was in accord with the requirement at that time .