
  1. 看到时间已经很晚了,他熄了烟,合上了书。

    Seeing it was getting late , he ceased smoking and closed his books .

  2. 怎么做:放一本合上的书在面前的地板上——书是你之前看过的。

    How it works : Place a closed book on the floor in front of you - something you 've read before .

  3. 把《仪礼》的经、传、记、注释合为一书,尽力恢复《丧礼》的原貌,对《丧礼》文本的恢复作出了巨大贡献。

    The " sang li " of the classics , biography , comments , led to a book , try to restore " sang li " of the original , the " sang li " text to make tremendous contributions to the recovery .

  4. 因为他与别人合写这本书。

    Because he wrote this book in collaboration with someone else .

  5. 他和汤姆合写那本书。

    He wrote the book in cooperation tom .

  6. 现在,合上你们的书。

    Now , close your book .

  7. 卡德加赶紧合上书。这书发出了一声短促而尖厉的怪声后重归平静,它内部的某种机构被重置了。

    Quickly Khadgar closed the cover , and the book silenced itself with a sharp whirr and a snap , itsmechanism resetting .

  8. 合上这本书,仔细地品味一番,方才发现,整部小说,之所以吸引人,完全是因为它轻松幽默的格调。

    Closes this book , carefullysavors , just now discovered , entire novel , therefore the attractionperson , completely is because of it relaxed humorous style .

  9. 当作者写完故事,他轻轻地吹干字中的墨迹,接着有条不紊地合上书,在书上牢牢地系上了一条红色的绸缎带。

    When he finished , the author blew gently to dry the ink , then methodically closed the book and tied it securely with a red satin ribbon .

  10. “我会放下的,因为我拒绝的话,你会强迫我照你说的做的。”年轻的女士说着合上了她的书,并把它扔在了椅子上。

    ' I 'll put my trash away , because you can make me if I refuse , 'answered the young lady , closing her book , and throwing it on a chair .

  11. 集演员、道士为一身;合剧本、科书为一体。是研究戏曲与宗教关系最典型的资料之一。

    The play has always been combined with ceremony , drama , performers and monks , scripts and reference books , so it is a kind of typical material for studying the relationship between Xiqu and religion .