
hé èr ér yī
  • two combined into one;united as one
合二而一[hé èr ér yī]
  1. 论英文翻译中的一分为二与合二而一

    On One Divided into Two and Two Combined into One in English Translation

  2. 杨献珍合二而一哲学思想对构建社会主义和谐社会的理论价值

    Theoretical Value of the Thought Match 2 into 1 by YANG Xian-zhen for the Socialism Harmonious Society

  3. 情与志的密不可分、合二而一是中国舞蹈审美在内容层面上的独有特征;

    The unity of feelings and aspirations is the peculiar characteristic of the content of Chinese dance .

  4. 第一部分:导论。本部分对选题缘由、研究现状和研究思路作了简要介绍。第二部分:对合二而一作了扼要概述。

    Introduction : This part briefly introduces the origin of the study , current research situation and research ideas . 2 .

  5. 杨献珍当年讲合二而一的目的主要是为了阐明矛盾的同一性;

    The main aim of using " mix two to one " by Yang Xian-zhen was to explain the identity of contradiction .

  6. 喷墨打印技术是一种非接触式的数字印刷技术,它将数码技术与传统的印刷技术合二而一,已经在印刷业显现出巨大的成功。

    Ink jet recording is a non-impact digital printing technology , it combines digital technology with traditional printing technologies , and has made a great success .

  7. 合二而一也是辩证法&生命演化过程的启示论皮亚杰《发生认识论原理》中的辩证法思想

    " Combining Two into One " Is Also Dialectics : Enlightenment from Evolutionary Development of Life ; Jean Piaget 's Dialectical Thought in Principles of Genetic Epistemology

  8. 坚持历史与逻辑相统一的方法,深入考察研究了杨献珍的“合二而一”思想。

    Using the method that logics and history are consistent , this paper makes an analysis of the philosophical idea of combining two into one advanced by Yang Xianzhen .

  9. 先生,在我所认识的一切人当中,你的肉体同你的精神,可啤说是最相融熔、合二而一的了,对你而言,身体不过是精神的工具罢了。

    You , sir , of all men whom I have known , are he whose body is the closest conjoined , and imbued , and identified , so to speak , with the spirit whereof it is the instrument .

  10. 陶瓷管型燃气加热炉将加热室和燃烧室合二而一,并有余热烟气回收装置,节能效果显著,热效率高达40%以上。同时可以做到清洁作业,大大改善工作环境和工人的劳动强度。

    The ceramic tube type burning gas heating furnace is new furnace which combines the burning room and heating room , it has callback device of residual heat , smoke and gas , and its saving energy effect is remarkable , heat efficiency more than 40 % .