
  1. 诺基亚采用微软WindowsPhone操作系统的手机能否拯救该公司于水火之中,现在还是未知数。该公司的首款Windows手机预计要到第四季度才能面市。

    Whether the coming Nokia phones based on Micorosft Windows Phone operating system software can save the company is now the question ; the first Windows-based Nokia phones are supposed to arrive in Q4 .

  2. 曾经凭借其天才拯救克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和菲亚特(Fiat)于水火之中的塞尔吉奥•马尔乔内去年获得的收入为1620万美元。

    Sergio Marchionne , whose wizardry so far has saved Chrysler and Fiat from liquidation , earned $ 16.2 million last year .

  3. 所以现在我全指望你们这群聪明绝顶的人想办法救我于水火之中

    So I am counting on your good graces and brilliance To figure out a way to save my ass.

  4. 于是,在面临重大自然灾害面前,中国义赈人士纷纷伸出援助之手,不仅救民于水火之中,而且开创了不同以前的救济模式。

    So in the face of major natural disasters , Chinese nongovernmental relief all stretched out their hands , not only rescued the people in the water and fire , but also started folk nongovernmental relief precedent .