
  • 网络water recreation
  1. 游艇,是一种水上娱乐用高级耐用消费品。

    The yacht is a kind of advanced consumer durables , which is used for water recreation .

  2. 创建和维护安全的水上娱乐区;

    Creating and maintaining safe water zones for recreation ;

  3. 摩洛根社区兴起了餐馆、游艇、汽车加油站和一个大型的水上娱乐中心。

    The Morongo reservation now boasts restaurants , a shop , a petrol station and a large water-bottling plant .

  4. 流是一项具有惊险,刺激的水上娱乐项目,翻船,掉水,衣服打湿属于正常。

    Driftage is a kind of adventurous and exciting on-water amusement , so that turnover , dropping and wet of clothes are normal .

  5. 激光战船、摇划船等各种水上娱乐船只载您在双龙湖中任意划翔。

    With laser warships , rowing boats and vessels of all types , you will enjoy yourself on your own in the Lake of Double Dragon .

  6. 在往年,他的猪儿们喜欢在泥泞的水坑里降温,因为猪是没有汗腺的。今年这个农夫为猪儿们特有的夏季水上娱乐添置了新设备。

    Usually they splash around in mucky puddles ( they don 't have sweat glands ) , but this year he decided they needed something extra .

  7. 北部利用观音梁的天然山水条件结合现状造船厂设计水上娱乐区。

    In the north of the Town , an aquatic amusement zone is planned by making use of a ship building factory and the natural conditions at Guan Yin Liang .

  8. 改变航道、航槽;划定、改动或撤销禁航区、抛泥区、水产养殖区、测速区、水上娱乐区;

    Changing the sea route or trough ; Demarcating , changing , or canceling a restricted navigation area , mud casting area , aquatics breeding area , speed testing area , or water entertainment area ;

  9. 因此水上娱乐活动很可能增加,所以M城委员会将需要增加预算以改善M河沿岸的公共土地。

    Therefore , recreational use of the river is likely to increase , so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River .

  10. 赛龙舟是中国民间传统水上体育娱乐项目,已流传两千多年,多是在喜庆节日举行,是多人集体划桨竞赛。

    Dragon boat racing is a Chinese folk traditional water sports entertainment , has been around for two thousand years , many festivals are held is more than a collective rowing competition .

  11. 网球、羽毛球、乒乓球、沙滩浴场、水上竞技等休闲娱乐项目,时时兴奋着您的神经,让您的肌体更加矫健。

    Tennis , badminton , ping-pong , sand beach bathing , and other aquatic sports will spirit you up and bring you fitness .