
  • 网络composite orogen
  1. 同位素年代学的系统研究结果,充分反映出秦岭是一个加里东、华力西、印支、燕山多旋回复合造山带。

    The result of the systematic , isotopic dating clearly shows that the Qinling Mountains are a Caledonian , Variscan , Indosinian , and Yanshanian polycyclic composite orogen .

  2. 中央造山带是经历了大致600Ma的活动历史,和泥盆纪、三叠纪的两次主要碰撞造山以及白垩纪以来的陆内造山过程而构筑成的典型的复合造山带。

    It was constructed to be a typical composite orogenic belt after experienced an active geological history of about more 600 Ma including Devonian and Triassic collision orogenic events , and intracontinental orogeny since Cretaceous .

  3. 义敦岛弧碰撞造山带是特提斯-喜马拉雅巨型造山带中的一个复合造山带。

    The Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt is a composue orogenic belt of the giant Tethys-Himalaya orogenic zone .

  4. 二.秦岭山脉新生代快速伸展隆升的时间、模式、指示意义及其影响秦岭山脉位于中国大陆中部,呈东西走向,是一个经历了板块碰撞造山和陆内造山作用的典型复合造山带。

    Timing and pattern of Cenozoic rapid uplift and exhumation of the Qinling Mountains , and their tectonic significance and effects on climate and environment Qinling Mountains , trending W-E , is located in central China , is a typical multiple-stage orogenic belt which experienced plate-collision and intracontinent orogen .

  5. 它们通常经历了长期的地质演化,形成了许多多期复合型造山带,而不完全与地球上一些典型的造山带相同。

    Therefore , the orogenic belts in China usually experience a long geologic evolution history and form the multiphase composite belts which are more complex than some typical orogenic belts in the world .

  6. 结果表明,西昆仑山经历了复杂的地质构造演化,是一条由北而南分别由加里东造山带、华力西造山带和燕山早期造山带组成的复合型造山带。

    The results indicate that the west Kunlun Mts . , undergoing the complicated geologic-tectonic evolution , is a compound orogenic belt consisting seperately of the Caledonian , Hercynian and early Yanshanian orogenic belt from north to South .

  7. 厘定了本区构造成矿演化历程,提出西秦岭造山带经历了六大构造演化阶段,是一个以不同构造体制发展演化而形成的复合型大陆造山带。

    The western Qinling orogenic belt with 6 tectono-development Periods is atypical composite continental orogenic belt evolved by different systems .

  8. 秦岭造山带是一个多旋回复合大陆碰撞造山带,是我国重要的多金属成矿带之一。

    Qinling is an intracontinental polycyclic complex collision orogen , and also is one of the most important polymetallic ore forming belts .