
fù rán
  • rekindle
  • after-combustion
  1. 他用力吹灰烬以便使火复燃。

    He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire .

  2. 简同前男友旧情复燃,这使马克心都碎了。

    Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend .

  3. 结果:1.建立吗啡诱导的CPP模型,包括条件性获得,消退和复燃三个阶段。

    Morphine induced CPP model was established , including acquisition , extinction and reinstatement phases .

  4. 28d复燃率分别为47.4%和75.0%。

    In 28 d , the relapse rate is 47.4 % and 75.0 % , respectively .

  5. 两组28d治愈率均为100%,复燃率均为0,差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The cure rate was 100 % and parasite recrudescence rate was zero in both groups , the difference being insignificant .

  6. 我们使用CPP模型来评价大鼠的吗啡依赖效应,CPP训练程序包括:自然偏爱测试,条件性偏爱的建立、消退和复燃。

    The effect of morphine dependence is evaluated by CPP model , the procedures of which include nature preference test , conditioned acquisition , conditioned extinction and conditioned reinstatement .

  7. 使用MALDI-TOF-MS质谱技术对差异表达蛋白进行鉴定,质谱成功鉴定了CPP获得阶段21个差异蛋白,消退阶段14个差异蛋白和复燃阶段23个差异蛋白。

    The differential proteins were identified with MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum , of which 21 proteins were successfully identified in acquisition phase , 14 in extinction phase and 23 in reinstatement phase .

  8. 计算了40.5kV真空断路器开断空载变压器时由复燃和截流引起的暂态过电压。

    The transient over-voltage between electrodes of 40.5 kV vacuum interrupter caused by current chopping and reignition when it switches off unload transformer is calculated .

  9. 不同掺混比下飞灰复燃特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Fly Ash Reburning Characteristics for Different Blending Ratios

  10. 他知道,他还抱着一丝旧情复燃的希望。

    He did not wish to mislead her in any way .

  11. 那么,你后来有没有和这个家伙旧情复燃过?

    So victoria , did you ever re-return to this guy ?

  12. 过去的伴侣可能想旧情复燃。

    Past partners may try to come back into your life .

  13. 儿童幽门螺杆菌根除后复燃与再感染

    Reinfection or recrudescence of Helicobacter pylori in children after radical treatment

  14. 飞灰复燃系统在液态排渣锅炉中的应用

    Application of Fly Ash Reburning System in Fluid Slag Boiler

  15. 防止通风后被覆盖的余火再次复燃。

    Prevent ashes to come to flame again after ventilation is resumed ;

  16. 飞灰复燃技术在35t/h链条炉上的应用

    Application of Fly-ash Refiring Technology in 35 t / h Chain Boiler

  17. 不,我不打算和她旧情复燃。

    No , I 'm not planning on getting back togetherwith her .

  18. 你又爱上她了,你旧情复燃!

    You love her again ; you re-love her !

  19. 对抗抑郁剂维持性治疗过程中抑郁症病人复发或复燃的分析

    Analysis of recurrence and relapse in treating major depression by antidepressants maintenance therapy

  20. 浅谈化工场所火灾的复燃和防范措施

    Chemical Fire Places and a Return to Preventive Measures

  21. 丹尼尔对你们的旧情复燃完全没有兴趣

    Daniel 's unconcerned with your renewed relationship .

  22. 3例(6.98%)发生结核复燃。

    Patients got recrudescence of tuberculosis .

  23. 倘若有一朝纸灰能复燃,请它把我那深藏着爱情之火的热心肠也燃烧成灰吧!

    If the ashes can be burned again , please turn my deep love into ashes .

  24. 目前传染病发病呈现出新的趋势:一是旧的传染病不断复燃,新的传染病不断出现;

    A couple of new trends have emerged currently in the incidence of infectious disease in China .

  25. 这是一种逐渐瓦解但有时仍会复燃的孤立主义,跨越左右两派。

    It is more a drifting away , occasionally a resurgent isolationism that crosses right and left .

  26. 复燃和截流过电压作用下真空断路器灭弧室内的电场分析

    Analysis on electric field in the interrupter chamber of vacuum circuit breaker under reignition and current chopping

  27. [方法]40例癌症合并抑郁症患者抗肿瘤治疗的同时给予氟西汀治疗,观察抗肿瘤治疗结果与抑郁症治疗效果的关系及停用氟西汀后的复燃率。

    [ Methods ] Forty cancer patients combined with depression were managed with anti-cancer treatment and fluoxetine .

  28. 我还以为你跟奥利弗又旧情复燃了,我看见你们一起出去了。

    I thought maybe you and Oliver went manoamano again . I saw you two head out .

  29. 试验结果显示,二氧化碳不能有效扑灭厨房火灾,很容易出现复燃现象。

    The results show that carbon dioxide can 't effectively extinguish cooking fires , which may re-ignite easily .

  30. 机车、发电车油类火灾防复燃技术研究

    The oil kind conflagration prevents the locomotive , electric power generation vehicle from burning a technology again studying