
fù yuán huó xuè tānɡ
  • decoction for recovery and activating blood circulation
  1. 复元活血汤部分药理作用研究目的:对复元活血汤进行药理学研究。

    Objective : To study the pharmacological actions of traditional Chinese medicine Decoction for Restoration .

  2. 复元活血汤治疗糖尿病周围神经病变100例

    Decoction for Promoting Blood Circulation in the Treatment of 100 Cases of Diabetic Peripheral Nerve Lesion

  3. 加味复元活血汤防治大鼠肝纤维化研究

    Experimental study of modified Fuyuan Huoxue decoction ( MFHD ) in treatment of hepatic fibrosis in rats

  4. 复元活血汤加味治疗2型糖尿病血瘀证38例

    Ingredient Modified " Fuyuan Huoxue Decoction " for Type - ⅱ Diabetes of Blood-Stasis Syndrome in 38 Cases

  5. 方法:采用多种疼痛、炎症动物模型,观察复元活血汤抗炎及镇痛作用;

    Methods : Animal models were used to investigate the analgesic and anti inflammatory actions of Decoction for Restoration .

  6. 加味复元活血汤能有效地改善肝脏微循环,具有防治实验大鼠肝纤维化,保护肝细胞,恢复肝功能的作用。

    MFHD can improve liver microcirculation , protect hepatocytes , recover liver function , lower synthesis and sediment of liver collagen , decompose the collagen .

  7. 治疗组初中期以当归贝母苦参丸合五草汤加减;后期以复元活血汤合(或)桂枝茯苓丸加减。

    In treated group , at the early and middle stages , using modified angelica fritillaria sophora pill and Wu Cao Decoction . At the late stages , using modified decoction for restoration and ( or ) Guizhi Fuling pill .

  8. 目的观察加味复元活血汤对胸腰椎骨折围手术期患者腹胀、血钾浓度及周围神经损伤症状的影响,探讨加味复元活血汤用于胸腰椎骨折患者围手术期的临床价值。

    Objective Observe how the concocted decoction for activating blood circulation influences abdominal distention , serum potassium concentration and peripheral nerve injury of the patients who suffering fracture of dorsal vertebra or lumbar vertebra before and after operation . Discuss the clinical value of concocted decoction for activating blood circulation .