
  • 网络complex learning
  1. 设计面向复杂学习的整体任务设计实例。

    Design holistic task desig case face to complex learning .

  2. 基于业绩表现:系统设计复杂学习的十大步骤

    Performance-Based ISD 10 Steps to Complex Learning

  3. 基于认知负荷理论的复杂学习整体任务设计探讨

    Discussion on " Cognitive Load Theory " - Based Whole-task Design of Complex Learning

  4. 关于复杂学习的研究

    A Research on Complex Learning

  5. 本论文主要解决以下问题:1.界定复杂学习。

    This paper is mainly to solve the following problems : 1 . Define the Complex Learning .

  6. 在完成复杂学习任务时,讨论学习的优势得到了充分的发挥,能有效地促进班级整体的学习效率。

    In accomplishing complex study assignment the advantage of Discussion Learning is in evidence . It can promote learning efficiency of all class .

  7. 最后结合关系图,根据分析结果,提出网络复杂学习下的资源和交互环境构建的建议。

    Finally , making suggestions for the construction of resource and interactive in the network complex learning environment according to the results of the analysis and relation map .

  8. 许多机器人配备有高科技传感器和复杂的学习算法,以避免伤害到与其并肩工作的人类。

    Many robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms to avoid injuring humans as they work side by side .

  9. 在此基础上,应用分散控制策略,构建了一种PBL复杂任务学习模型。

    On the basis of these analyses , a learning model of PBL complex task by using decentralized control strategy is built .

  10. 用Reber等人发明的人工语法和人工语法学习程序,研究在复杂规则学习中的内隐学习与外显学习过程。

    The artificial grammar and the systems of artificial grammar learning invented by Reber and so on were used to research the implicit and explicit process of complicated rules learning .

  11. 基于多尺度判别模型的复杂背景学习

    Learning Complex Background Based on Multi-scale Discriminative Model

  12. 禽的鸣啭表现出一种复杂的学习过程。

    Song of birds display complex learning .

  13. 传统神经网络具有结构复杂、学习性能差及速度慢等缺点。

    Traditional Neural Networks have some essential limitations such as intricate structure , poor performance and lower efficiency .

  14. 由于每个子网络只完成相应的子任务,因而多支撑向量网络可以解决更为复杂的学习任务。

    Multiple support vector machine can perform more complex tasks because every support vector machine only finish the subtask .

  15. 英语学习是一个包括听、说、读、写四项技能的综合而复杂的学习过程。

    English learning is an integrated and complicated process including four skills : listening , speaking , reading and writing .

  16. 写作是外语学习的一个重要组成部分,也被认为是最为困难和复杂的学习项目之一。

    Writing plays an important role in second language acquisition and learning to write is considered as the most complex task .

  17. 为了真正促进学习者能力的发展,学习者必须体验解决真实问题的过程,理解复杂的学习任务。

    In order to promote the development of learners , learners should experience the process of solving authentic problems , understanding the complex learning tasks .

  18. 没有复杂的学习曲线,没有训练,没有时间浪费在手册,虽然有一本手册如果您想要阅读它。

    No complex learning curve , no training , no time wasted on manuals , although there is a manual if you 'd like to read it .

  19. 而田径课程不仅是高校体育教育专业主干课程之一,也是中学体育课教学的主要内容,它涉及的项目多,技术复杂,学习过程中容易产生枯燥乏味的感觉。

    Course of track and field is one of main courses in PE , it contained many items and the technique is complex and it is dull to study .

  20. 成就目标与自我监控的关系极为复杂:学习目标与自我监控呈显著正相关,而成绩目标只有在与学习目标联系时,才和自我监控有显著的关系。

    The relation between achievement goals and self-regulation was very complex : learning goals were positively correlated to self-regulation , whereas performance goals were strongly related to self-regulation only in conjunction with learning goals .

  21. 质性研究资料分析,学生对《基础护理学》实验课案例教学法的评价可归纳为4个主题:真实的实践体验、复杂的学习态度、强烈的求知欲、中肯的意见建议。

    The qualitative research shows that the evaluation about case method teaching could extract four themes : real practice experience 、 complex attitude towardslearning 、 thirst for knowledge and sound advice . Conclusions : 1 .

  22. 针对一种相对复杂的学习目标概念&算法构架,提出了实现可操作性的方法,并探讨了算法自动化系统中通用性与可操作性的制衡关系及其对系统能力的影响。

    A method to achieve operability for algorithm scheme , a relatively complicated learning target concept is presented . Also is discussed the ge-nerality / operability trade-off in software automation system , and its influence to the system power .

  23. 虽然移动学习是一种看似复杂的学习技术,由于其新颖性和快速发展的本质,回避不能再作为你的选择,特别是在激烈的竞争市场那些期望改善员工的表现促进员工进步的公司。

    Although mobile learning is a seemingly complex learning technology , given its newness and rapidly evolving nature , avoiding it is not a choice anymore ; especially for organisations that wish to bolster their employees performance and progress in midst of tough competition .

  24. 老鼠的社会结构复杂,能学习并解决问题。

    MICE are socially complex animals with the capability to learn and solve problems .

  25. 第三章重点建构复杂陈述性知识学习过程的模型。

    Chapter three constructs the model of the process of complex declarative knowledge learning .

  26. 复杂陈述性知识学习的研究

    Research on Complex Declarative Knowledge Learning

  27. 复杂陈述性知识学习过程中学习活动对学习成绩影响研究

    A Research of the Effect of Learning Activities on Achievements in the Learning Process of Complex Declarative Knowledge

  28. 语言的多变和复杂、语言学习者的千差万别等动态因素决定的语言教学是一个动态的过程。

    Language teaching is a developing process influenced by the complexity and variability of language itself and different factors of language learners .

  29. 心理学研究发现在复杂规则的学习中,当外显学习的指导语不够具体时,内隐学习的效果往往优于外显学习。

    Psychology study found that as we learning complex rules , when the guidance was not specific , the results of implicit-learning are often better than the explicit-learning .

  30. 语言学习过程十分复杂,涉及学习者的诸多因素,因此,语言学习者的学习效果存在很大差别。

    Language learning is a complicated process involving a lot of factors on the learner 's part , therefore , language learning effects vary greatly among individual learners .