
  1. 假使你看不出主题的正反两面论证都有价值的话,就换个主题吧;

    If you cannot see the value of arguments on both sides of the issue , select another issue .

  2. 如果只有一个资料来源或根本没有,你就应该重新考虑主题或换一个主题。

    If only one source or none at all is readily available , you should rethink your topic or choose another .

  3. 背单词—服装英语词汇日前,英国一个最豪华的公交车站为庆祝世界杯,换上了足球主题装饰风格。

    Britain 's most luxurious bus stop gets a World Cup makeover In honor of the World Cup , Britain 's most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover .