
huàn hánɡ fú
  • line break;linefeed
  1. 行定界符总是换行符,不能自由选择。

    The row delimiter is always the line break and cannot be chosen freely .

  2. 您只需向无序清单中添加一个换行符和描述行。

    You simply add a line break and description line to the unordered list .

  3. 忽略XML内容中的方形符号&它们代表换行符。

    Ignore that square characters in the XML content & they represent newline characters .

  4. 注意,xml变量受到了针对内部引号和换行符的转义字符的污染。

    Notice that the xml variable is polluted with escape characters for the internal quotes and newlines .

  5. 在试用或修改该清单前,只需删除script元素中的换行符。

    Just remove line breaks in the script element before trying or adapting the listing .

  6. v显示非打印字符,除了换行符和制表符,它们使用各自效果相当的“控制序列”。

    V displays non-printing characters , except line-feed and tab using their " control sequence " equivalents .

  7. 注意:换行符方便您阅读代码,它不会影响XML。

    Note : The line breaks make it easier for you to read your code and do not affect the XML .

  8. 原因在于,XML编辑器的美观打印特性可能会引入不必要的换行符以及(更值得注意的)空格。

    Why ? Because the pretty-printing feature of XML editors can introduce unwanted line feeds and ( more importantly ) white space .

  9. 现在,pretty和print这两个词之间出现了一个换行符和大量的空格。

    Now , there is a line feed and a whole bunch of spaces in between pretty and print .

  10. 最常见的文本输出方法有puts和print,前一个方法在输出的末端增加一个换行符,后一个方法则不是。

    The most common text output methods are puts , which adds a newline to the end of the output , and print , which does not .

  11. 你也可以敲回车键-,但是会让你的代码看起来乱七八糟,反斜杠n就是换行符。

    You can certainly hit Enter but as we saw & seen that very quickly makes a mess of your code and such and so backslash N is new line .

  12. 如果指定&line-mode,pv会在每次遇到换行符时更新进度条。

    If you specify the modifier & line-mode , pv advances the progress meter each time a newline is encountered .

  13. CMS的格式同样可以被添加到数据库系统中,因此,你可以在其中键入换行符等。

    CMS formatting can be also added to database systems , so that you can enter paragraph breaks etc.

  14. 一个补集合可以匹配换行符,除非换行符被指定为补集合中的一个字符。这不同于某些象“grep”的程序对正则表达式的处理。

    Contrast to the handling of regexps in programs such as ` grep ' .

  15. 如此前的例子所示,Vimscript中的所有语句都以换行符结尾(和shell脚本或Python一样)。

    As the previous examples illustrate , all statements in Vimscript are terminated by a newline ( as in shell scripts or Python ) .

  16. DEL是一种定界的文本格式,其中的列由一个定界符分隔,行由换行符分隔。

    DEL is a delimited text format where columns are separated by a delimiter and rows are separated by line breaks .

  17. 如果没有将文件保存为使用UNIX换行符来表示行结束这种格式,则需要将这样的文件转换成本机UNIX格式,否则一些命令实用程序不会正确地处理这些文件。

    When not saved using the UNIX newline line ends , such files need to be converted into the native UNIX format or else some command utilities will not process them correctly .

  18. 例如,要将换行符指定为分隔符,您将在节点的Customdelimiter(hexadecimal)属性中输入值OA。

    For example , to specify a line feed as the delimiter , you would enter a value of0A in the Custom delimiter ( hexadecimal ) property on the node .

  19. 当读到一个行结束符(比如换行符)时,Python解释器就前进到下一行并继续,直到没有了代码行。

    When an end-of-line character ( such as a newline character ) is read , the Python interpreter advances to the next line and continues until there are no more lines of code .

  20. 如果输入跨度多行,则使用典型的regex是不够的,因为扫描将在$所指示的换行符处终止。

    If your input spans multiple lines , a typical regex won 't suffice because scanning terminates at a newline , denoted by $ .

  21. 但事实是:如果Web站点乱作一团CSS和HTML没有分开,到处都是换行符()那么不管如何修复,您的一切努力工作都将改变。

    But here 's the thing : If the Web site is a mess CSS isn 't kept separate from HTML , line breaks () are everywhere then all of your hard work is going to get changed up anyway .

  22. 注意,名为yaa的分解文件并未使用换行符表示结束,因此当使用cat显示提示之后,会发现提示出现了偏移。

    Note that the split file named yaa did not finish with a newline character , so our prompt was offset after we used cat to display it .

  23. 例如,如果您想要导出一些Wiki页面,您会希望保留一些字符的原始位置,如回车符和换行符,因为这些字符在Wiki格式中有特殊的作用。

    For example , if you export Wiki pages , you will want to retain the exact positions of characters like return and line-feed because those are given special attention in the Wiki format .

  24. 在缺省情况下,xargs将使用空格(或者换行符)对输入字符串进行划分,以便产生可以进行操作的一个文件列表。

    By default , xargs delimits input with a space ( or newline ) to produce a list of files to operate on .

  25. 您必须小心谨慎:normalize-space()也可能会删除必要的空格和换行符。

    You must be careful : normalize-space () can also remove necessary white space and line feeds .

  26. 当数据包含换行符时,这就更重要了。

    This is even more important when the data contain line breaks .

  27. 此换行符使后续内容从下一行开始。

    This break causes subsequent content to start on the next line .

  28. 列由换行符分隔。

    Columns are delimited by a line feed .

  29. 最后,每一条线上的数据将终止一个换行符。

    Finally , the data on every line is terminated by a newline character .

  30. 因为有这个限制,数据字符串必须不包含任何换行符。

    Because of this restriction , the data string must not contain any line breaks .