
  • 网络Reversing device;reversing mechanism;Reversing equipment
  1. 磨削凸键轴的自动换向装置

    The automatic reverse devices using for grinding raised key axis

  2. 可逆流体换向装置性能的数学模型及参数计算

    Mathematics Model and Parameter Calculation for Reverse Flow Diverter

  3. 对增压器的各种自动换向装置提出了分类方法;

    All of the automatic reversing devices for boosters are classified into different types .

  4. 增压器全液压自动换向装置的研究

    Study on full-hydraulic automatic reversing device booster

  5. 介绍了各种自动换向装置的工作原理、特点和适用性;

    The working principles of all automatic reversing devices , whose characteristics and suitability are discussed respectively , are described .

  6. 通过试验研究了不同入流结构、不同出流结构、面积比、引流间隙等因素对可逆流体换向装置输送性能的影响。

    The effects of inflow structure , outflow structure , area ratio and suction gap on the performance of RFDs were studied in this paper .

  7. 着重阐述了作者及其同事们研究成功的全液压自动换向装置的结构、工作原理和实际应用;

    An emphatic description of the structure , working principle and actual application of full-hydraulic automatic reversing device successfully developed by the authors and their co-workers is made .

  8. 对换向装置故障监控系统的实验验证了该系统能准确地检测到换向装置的故障,并能有效的在故障产生时保证机床正常工作。

    The experiment of the fault diagnosis system show that the system can monitor the fault of changing direction and can ensure the machine tool work normally when the fault happen .

  9. 本文在指出以往火焰自动换向装置所存在的问题之后,详细介绍了采用可编程控制器与单回路调节器相结合,对窑炉火焰自动换向所作的改进。

    The problems existed in old automatic flame changeover devices are pointed out and the improvement on automatic flame changeover by using the combination of programmable controller and single loop controller are described in detail .

  10. 介绍了这种换向装置的结构和工作原理,并对制动过渡过程的行程、机械制动与辅助换向装置的传动比、扭簧的刚度、工作转角和结构参数做了分析计算。

    The structure of the device is described , and the trip of the rod string during braking , the transmission ratio of the reversing device , and the rigidity and corner and structural parameters of the torsion spring are calculated and analyzed .

  11. 机械辅助换向装置通过能量转换和形成力差,实现抽油杆运动的自动换向,使电动机正、反转都能在接近额定转速及空载条件下启动,保证工作可靠。

    With the mechanical reversing device , the reciprocating motion of the sucker rod string is accomplished by means of energy transformation , and the electric motor can be started at a speed close to the rated speed under the condition of idling .

  12. 链条抽油机无侧弯力矩换向平衡装置

    Lateral bending moment - free reverse and balance mechanism on chain-drive pumping units

  13. 凸轮轴换向闭锁装置

    Cam shaft reversing lock

  14. 蓄热换向式燃烧装置的试验研究

    An experimental study on AMCO reversing combustion device

  15. 介绍了大容量、智能化高速换向脉冲电镀电源装置的设计方案。

    In this paper , the designing of intelligent high speed reverse current pulse plating power supply with high capacity is studied .