
tiě hào
  • iron loss;core loss
铁耗[tiě hào]
  1. 隐极同步发电机稳态模型中电枢铁耗影响的考虑

    Armature Iron Loss Consideration in Round Rotor Synchronous Generator Steady-State Models

  2. 变压器铁耗及铜耗在线测试方法研究

    Research of On-line Testing Method for Transformers Iron Loss and Copper Loss

  3. 基于有限元软件Magnet,分析了两种模型计算铁耗的方法,这种方法比传统解析法更准确。

    Based on the finite element software Magnet , two iron consumption model calculation methods were analyzed .

  4. 本文的研究结果为SR电机的铁耗分析和计算提供了基础。

    The study results of the paper lays a foundation of analysis and calculation of the core losses for a SRM .

  5. 当DVR处于补偿模式时,需要计算多重变压器的铜耗和铁耗、整流电路损耗、逆变器和Boost电路开关器件的通态损耗和开关损耗。

    In the compensation mode , both core and copper losses of multi-winding transformer , loss of diodes in rectifiers , switching loss and conducting loss of IGBT in the Boost circuits and in the inverters should be calculated .

  6. 三次谐波磁通对异步电动机铁耗的影响

    Effects of Third-harmonic Flux Modulation on Core Losses in Induction Motors

  7. 并对四种电机的定子铁耗、定子铜耗和转子损耗进行了有限元分析和计算。

    The stator losses and rotor losses are calculated by FEM .

  8. 计及定子铁耗的三相异步电机新相轴线模型

    Phase axes model of three phase asynchronous machines considering stator iron loss

  9. 电沉积纳米镍及镍钴合金的结构与性能研究铁耗少的恒导磁率铁镍钴合金

    Study on the Microstructures and Properties of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-Co Alloy

  10. 降低吨铁耗热力一次能总结与分析

    Conclusion and Analysis for Decreasing the First Heat Energy Consumption of Per Ton Iron

  11. 钢铁生产流程中物流对能耗和铁耗的影响

    Influence of Material Flow in Steel Manufacturing Process on Energy Consumption and Metal Yield

  12. 测定单轴承无刷同步发电机铁耗、机械耗和杂散耗

    Measuring of basic iron losses of ventilation losses and stray losses of single brushless alternator

  13. 铁耗少的恒导磁率铁镍钴合金新型的高起始磁导率低矫顽力低铁损铁基非晶态合金

    New Fe-Based Amorphous Alloys with High Initial Permeability , Low Coercivity and Low Core Loss

  14. 车用永磁同步电机的铁耗与瞬态温升分析

    Iron losses and transient temperature analysis of the permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicles

  15. 汽轮发电机定子铁耗及异结构绕组下稳态参数的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis on Stator Iron Loss and Static Parameter with Variance Structure Winding of Turbo-Generator

  16. 盘式异步电机的磁路、铁耗及轴向磁吸力的分环计算

    Diving Ring Calculation of the Magnetic Circuit 、 Iron Loss and Axid Magnetism of Disk Induction Machines

  17. 验证了在线测试变压器铁耗及铜耗原理的正确性。

    The correctness of the theory of online testing for transformers iron loss and copper loss is confirmed .

  18. 该模型考虑了铁耗、饱和和趋肤效应对电机性能的影响。

    The effects of iron losses , saturation , and skin on motor are considered in this model .

  19. U型铁芯单相永磁同步电动机起动特性超超高效永磁同步电动机铁耗研究与设计

    Starting performance of U-type single-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor Core Loss Research and Design of Super-Premium Efficiency PMSM

  20. 为了达到永磁同步电机高性能速度控制,电机铁耗的影响不能忽略。

    To achieve the high-performance speed control of PMSM , the influence of iron loss cannot be neglected .

  21. 对样机铁耗的计算结果与实测值作比较,并分析了误差产生原因。

    The iron loss error between calculated and test result is small , the source of error is analyzed .

  22. 一种新型感应式电导率传感器的设计盘式感应电动机铁耗的计算

    Design for a new type of induction conductivity sensor THE CALCULATION OF THE IRON LOSS OF DISC TYPE INDUCTION MOTORS

  23. 然后采用场路耦合的方法,分析计算了高速电机的定子铁耗和铜耗、转子护套和永磁体内的高频附加损耗以及转子表面的风磨损耗。

    The iron loss , copper loss , air friction loss on the rotor surface and the losses in the rotor are calculated .

  24. 从降低电机的铁耗、铜耗和机械损耗着手,给出了提高电机效率的一般方法。

    The common method of enhancing the efficiency is given , such as decreasing the iron loss , copper loss and machine loss .

  25. 向中间工序输入废钢,可同时使吨材能耗和吨材铁耗降低;

    Input of steel scrap to any intermediate step decreases the energy consumption and increases the metal yield per ton of finished product .

  26. 铁耗和环流损耗分布对定子温度场及绝缘外表面散热系数计算的影响

    Influence of Distributions of Circulation Losses and Iron Losses on Stator Temperature Field and Heat Transfer Coefficient 's Calculation of Outer Surface of Insulation

  27. 论文根据经过电磁场数值计算得到的互感器铁耗、激磁电抗、漏磁电抗等非线性参数,通过数值求解互感器的暂态方程,分析了互感器的暂态工作特性。

    A numerical method is used to solve the transient equation . The transient performance of the current transformer is also analysed in this paper .

  28. 从电动车用感应电机的基本特性出发,建立了考虑铁耗的感应电机转子磁场定向模型。

    According to the basic character of induction motor used in vehicle , this paper proposes a field oriented control model considering the iron losses .

  29. 在分析电抗器铁心涡流损耗的基础上,得出了硅钢片上的铁耗分布。

    Based on the analysis of eddy current losses in steel cores of reactor , distribution of iron losses on silicon steel sheet is acquired .

  30. 文中认为当在变压器基波磁通中加入某一幅值的三次谐波磁通后,能显著地降低铁耗和励磁电流。

    The study shows that the third-harmonic flux with a certain value added to the fundamental flux can obviously reduce both core loss and excitation current .