
  • 网络SAMPLE;sampling circuit;CDS
  1. 新电路已成功地应用于便携式X射线机产品的电流采样电路中。

    The new circuit has been successful used in the design of current sample circuit of portable X ray generator .

  2. 基于PC/104等效采样电路的设计

    Equivalent sample circuit based on PC / 104

  3. 一种用于BOOST芯片的电流采样电路

    Novel Current Sensing Circuit for Monolithic BOOST Power Management

  4. 控制电路包括采样电路、送丝电路和PWM控制电路等。

    The control circuit involves the sampling circuit , PWM control circuit and wire circuit .

  5. 大动态范围CMOS图像传感器指数时间采样电路的改进

    An Improvement of Index Time Sampling Circuit of High Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor

  6. 最后,本文设计了双PWM变频调速系统装置,包括主电路、控制电路,采样电路等。

    The system design includes main circuit , control circuit , sampling circuit and so on .

  7. 结合FFT的算法原理,设计了同步采样电路。

    Based on the principle of the FFT , designed the synchronous sampling circuit .

  8. 硬件电路包括:电压电流采样电路、DSP控制板电路和主电路电路参数设计。

    The hardware circuit including : voltage and current sampling circuit , DSP control board circuit and main circuit design of circuit parameters .

  9. 通过电阻分压采样电路和继电器矩阵式均衡电源投切网络的设计,以FPGA为核心构成了均衡充电系统监控单元。

    Voltage sampling circuit , switching network of the equaling power supply and the FPGA-based controller of the monitoring system are given .

  10. 提出了一种可同时实现PFC和均流控制的综合电流采样电路;

    An improved integrated current sensing circuit for both PFC and output current sharing is proposed .

  11. 与传统的电感电流采样电路相比,该电路无直流损耗,可以应用在大功率输出的IC中。

    Compared with the traditional current sampling circuit , this circuit has no DC loss and can be used in high power output IC . 4 .

  12. 在电流采样电路的设计中,为了克服A/D转换器的温漂问题,采用了新型电流传感器芯片,并利用DSP的高速处理功能,实现了电机相电流的检测。

    A novel current sensing IC is adopted to avoid temperature drift of A / D converter , and current sampling is realized by virtue of high speed DSP .

  13. 系统硬件部分包括FPGA处理芯片,电压调理电路,抗混叠滤波电路,锁相倍频电路,A/D采样电路。

    The hardware of the system includes the FPGA chip , the voltage conditioning circuit , anti-aliasing filter circuit , PLL circuit , the A / D sampling circuit .

  14. 其中,硬件设计部分包括可调谐光源的制作、光电信号的放大、A/D采样电路、FPGA子系统硬件电路设计等。

    The hardware design section includes the production of tunable light source optical signal amplification , the A / D sampling circuit , the FPGA subsystem hardware circuit design .

  15. 数字式现代串级调速双闭环控制系统的硬件电路主要包括,ADC采样电路、PWM控制信号输出电路、占空比设置显示电路。

    The hardware of digital dual-loop control system include ADC sampling circuits , PWM control signal output circuit , Set and display duty cycle circuit .

  16. 采用由分频器组成的准采样电路,避免了保持输出信号的抖动对后级电路(如ADC的比较器)的影响。

    Quasi-sample circuit composed of frequency divider avoids the glitch of the output signal affecting subsequent circuits ( like comparators in ADC ) .

  17. 最后,实现了机器人的物理样机,对机器人的控制系统进行了设计,完成了对控制器的选型并基于选中的TMS320F2812芯片设计出了DSP硬件控制电路,并设计出了反馈采样电路。

    The controller is selected and the hardware control system is designed . The sampling feedback circuit is also designed .

  18. 在硬件设计中对电压、电流采样电路,IGBT驱动电路以及通讯和人机接口电路进行了设计。

    In part of hardware design , voltage and current sampling circuit , IGBT driving circuit communication and man-machine interface circuit are designed .

  19. 搭建了针对ip-iq算法的谐波电流硬件检测模块。此模块主要是由DSP外围电路、模拟信号调理电路、AD采样电路、过零检测电路及锁相倍频电路等五部分组成。

    The harmonic current detection module is composed of analog signal conditioning circuits , AD sampling circuit , zero-crossing detection circuit and PLL circuit .

  20. 创造性的引入了一种新的CDS相关双采样电路,与传统的双采样电路分别进行仿真比较。

    I introduce a new creative CDS circuit . Compared with traditional CDS circuit , it simplifies the structure of the circuit and eliminates the mismatch .

  21. 分析研究了CCD输出信号的噪声成分和相应的抑制方法,针对已有的相关双采样电路的局限性提出了一种基于数字技术双采样的方法来降低信号噪声。

    Through the analysis about the noise composition and corresponding suppression measures , a double sampling method based on digital technique is presented in allusion to the limitation of existing methods .

  22. 硬件设计主要有主电路LC参数的设计、二次滤波器的设计、采样电路的设计、保护和驱动电路的设计等等。

    The hardware design contains : LC parameters of the main circuit , Secondary filter design , sampling circuit , protection and drive circuit and so on .

  23. 数据采集与控制模块设计:该部分是逻辑分析模块的核心部分,主要在FPGA中实现。包括时钟电路的设计、定时/状态分析采样电路的实现、混合触发电路设计以及存储控制电路的设计。

    Data acquisition and control module realized in FPGA , which includes the design of the time generator circuits , the data sampling , mix-trigger and distinguish circuits and data storage . 3 .

  24. 首先,提出采用小CT电源、太阳能电池、锂离子充电电池三种方式兼容互补的组合式供电方案,以满足高压侧采样电路对于电源的要求。

    Firstly , a suit of combined power supply scheme adopting small CT power , solar battery and Li-ion cell is designed in order to satisfy the power supply demand of sampling circuit on the high voltage side .

  25. 控制系统的硬件设计是整个设计的关键,这部分包含了主控制IC,控制信号驱动电路以及输出电压采样电路等。

    Control system hardware design is the key to the entire design , this section contains the main control IC , the control signal drive circuit and the output voltage sampling circuit .

  26. 包括了时钟电路、AD采样电路、微惯性器件的校零和补偿电路、数字积分电路和串口输出电路:2、计算机测试系统的设计。

    In this part , we focus on the signal-dealing circuit design such as clock circuit , AD circuit , zero-calibration and compensation circuit and numeric integral circuit . 2 . Test system of MIMU .

  27. 对采样电路、保护电路、驱动等硬件进行了设计,在此基础上编制了下位机DSP控制程序和基于VC++6.0的上位机监控软件。

    On the basis of the sampling circuit , protection circuit , drivers and other hardware circuits have been designed , the DSP-based control software and VC + + 6.0 PC monitoring software were also prepared .

  28. 介绍了一种新型的CMOS自举采样电路。该电路适用于12位100MHz采样频率的A/D转换器。

    A novel CMOS bootstrapped sampling circuit for 12-bit , 100 MS / s pipelined A / D converter is presented .

  29. 通过参数计算和器件选型,主要设计了系统硬件部分的充放电电路、数据采样电路、IGBT(?)区动电路以及显示电路等,并对系统保护方法进行了具体分析。

    By designing the charge-discharge circuit , data sampling circuit , IGBT driver circuit , display unit and calculating the relevant parameters , the hardware circuits were designed specifically .

  30. 硬件电路由DSP最小系统、电源、采样电路、D/A转换电路、驱动电路、双机通讯电路、串口通讯电路等组成。

    The hardware circuits are composed of the minimum system of DSP , power supply , sampling circuit , D / A converter circuit , driver circuit , dual-channel communication circuit , serial communication circuit and other components .