
  • 网络Adoption rate;Rate of adoption
  1. 在世界各地,安装基础、采纳率和技术熟练程度可能是迥然各异的。

    Around the world , installed bases , adoption rates and overall technical proficiency can vary greatly .

  2. 龋齿状况湖区小学生患龋率较高,口腔保健行为采纳率低,缺乏必要的口腔保健常识。

    The situation of decayed tooth for pupils in Weishan Lake The ratio of decayed tooth in the Lake Area was higher , and the pupils were lake of necessary knowledge of oral health care , and the adoption rate of oral health behavior was low .

  3. 通常FDA会采纳咨询委员会的建议,但采纳率也并非100%。

    The FDA usually follows the recommendations of its advisory committees , but not always .