
  • 网络procurement service;Purchasing Services
  1. 对这三种模式的服务内容与特点进行了详细阐述,同时分别建立了这三种采购服务模式各自的业务过程模型;

    The business process models of the three procurement services are given out .

  2. 采购服务包括到货管理、支付管理等诸多任务,从签订采购合同开始至最终验收结束,贯穿整个建设过程。

    The procurement services including arrival management , payment management and many other tasks , from the signing of procurement contracts to the final acceptance , throughout the entire construction process .

  3. 面向区域轻纺业的基于ASP方式的采购服务设计开发

    ASP oriented procurement service design and development of regional textile industry

  4. 绍兴轻纺ASP公共服务平台的采购服务研究与开发

    Research and Development of Procurement Service on Shaoxing Textile ASP Common Service Platform

  5. ASP采购服务模式探讨及其应用研究

    Research on procurement service mode and application of ASP

  6. ASP采购服务是为各中小制造企业采购业务提供合作支持的一种商业模式。

    ASP procurement service is a business mode which support the cooperation of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises .

  7. 确立适用的ASP采购服务的运作模式是ASP应用成功的关键技术之一。

    It is the key technique of successful application of ASP procurement service to establish suitable operation mode .

  8. 第六章根据前几章对绍兴轻纺ASP公共服务平台上的采购服务的研究,进行了原型系统的开发,并给出了相应的运行实例。

    Chapter 6 gives some running examples of the procurement service on ASP common service platform in Shaoxing textile region according to the prior research and design .

  9. 第三方采购服务系统及其在药品采购管理中的应用

    Third-party Purchasing Service System & Its Application in Medicine Purchasing Management

  10. 全程境内外采购服务:帮助客户从国内外供应商采购货物并送至国内指定的地点。

    Full-process domestic and overseas procurement service : Help customer to make procurement and delivery .

  11. 望本文的研究能为专业采购服务商尤其是药品采购服务商提供借鉴意义。

    This research expects to provide reference for the more professional procurement service providers , especially drug procurement service provider .

  12. 吉林省政务大厅招投标平台和吉林省医药采购服务中心都存在这一矛盾。

    Jilin province government affairs hall bidding platform and medicine purchasing service center of Jilin province are the presence of this contradiction .

  13. 立杰公司真诚提供设计开发、模具制造、工装夹具制作、零部件制造和标准件采购服务。

    Leojet sincerely offers R D service , moulds fabricating , toolings test equipments fabricating , parts manufacturing and general parts sourcing service .

  14. 即使客户所需的是公司产品采购服务总线,也不要被服务总线之前的词语所迷惑。

    Even if what clients want is a corporate product procurement service bus , don 't be fooled by the words preceding service bus .

  15. 广州地铁的采购服务流程是地铁建设的重要环节,从一号线建设制定的流程沿用至今已有近十年。

    The procurement service process is an very important part of Guangzhou Metro construction , the process was set from the beginning of the Line One construction , and has been in use for almost a decade .

  16. 鼓励和倡导政府采购服务项目,是政府培育和扶持服务业发展的重要举措,也是完善政府采购制度的必由之路。

    To government , encouraging and promoting of the government procurement services is an important measure to foster and support the development of services , and it is also the only way to improve the government procurement system .

  17. 如果确信生产商没有和潜在客户期望相符的价格,质量和承诺时,采购服务代理商不必告诉生产商潜在客户的询价。

    The sourcing service agent is not obligated to communicate an inquiry from a potential customer to the manufacturer should he be convinced that the manufacturer cannot match price , quality and compliance expectations of the potential buyer .

  18. 提出在投标报价阶段,工程总承包项目中工程设计费用、采购服务费用和施工管理费用的构成及其估算方法,并对直接费用和间接费用之间的关系提出了新的观点。

    This paper introduces that in the bidding and proposal stage , the constitution of engineering design cost , procurement service cost , construction management cost of project turnkey contract and its estimation method , new view points are raised for the relation between direct cost and indirect cost .

  19. 东方海外物流的国际物流的集团是全球采购和服务客户supply-chain-management需求。

    The OOCL Logistics'International logistics group focuses on serving customers with global sourcing and supply-chain-management needs .

  20. 混凝土搅拌站及配套设备采购与服务,编号MJAM-WZZB-10006。其中:规格型号为HZS60,数量2套。

    Purchase of Concrete Mixing Station and the Auxiliary Units and Services . Number : MJAM-WZZB-10006 . Specifications : HZS60 . Quantity : 2 sets .

  21. 全文期刊数据库的采购与服务评价

    Evaluation on the Purchase and the Service of Full Text Periodical Database

  22. 奕亨政府进口采购物流服务商,对接大项目。

    Ephon import purchasing logistics providers , docking big project .

  23. 汽车采购物流服务绩效评价指标体系研究

    Evaluating Index of Purchasing Logistics Service Quality in Automobile Industry

  24. 政府采购后续服务探析

    Study of Government Procurement 's Posterior Service

  25. 并为国内外企业提供一个集采购、服务、销售为一体的商务平台。

    Also provide a set procurement , services and sales of integrated business platform for the domestic and foreign enterprises .

  26. 本文从采购、服务等方面阐述了体育学院图书馆如何提高外文期刊利用率,并对体育网络版外文期刊的收藏提出一点建议。

    This text elaborated how to raise the foreign periodical utilization , in physical institute and put some suggestions to collect the athletics network version foreign periodical .

  27. 我们已经为众多海外客户提供最有竞争力的中国商品采购代理服务,使得客户拓展业务能始终保持领先地位!

    We have for many overseas customers with the most competitive China 's commodity procurement agency services , enabling customers to expand their business to always maintain the leading position !

  28. 结合原有的应用子系统完成了对弹箭产品从需求设计制造采购销售服务的全生命周期管理。

    Combined with the original application sub-systems , we completed the arrow missile from the demand for the product - design - manufacturing - purchasing - sales - service lifecycle management .

  29. 而运输成本是目前影响企业物流成本的重要因素,占物流成本的35%-50%左右,所以采购运输服务决策在整个物流外包决策中具有十分重要的地位。

    As transportation cost is the most influential factor in whole logistic cost , taking up about 35 % - 50 % , so transportation service procurement decision-making is very important in logistic outsourcing .

  30. 随着近几年电子商务的迅猛发展,各类型的企业纷纷触网,开展基于电子商务的销售、采购或服务,网上直销渠道已经成为企业的重要发展平台与生存方式。

    With the rapid development of electronic commerce in recent years , various types of enterprises have " net " to carry on e-commerce sales , purchases or services , online direct marketing has become an important platform for the development and way of life .