- 名dispute settlement body

So far , WTO Dispute Settlement Body has accepted more than a dozen consultation and requests on US anti-dumping ' zeroing ' .
Among the disputes treated by Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ), agricultural trade disputes counted for 40 % . This percentage is much bigger than that of agricultural trade .
The anti-dumping dispute settlement is the most important thing in WTO reviews .
Firstly , we should make full use of the institutions of solving the disputes of trading on WTO .
The Available Analysis of Applying MEAs to WTO Dispute Settlement Body
The Relationship between Compulsory Jurisdiction of the DSB and Doctrine of State Sovereignty
Our government firmly condemns such unjust action , and then resort to the Dispute Settlement Body of WTO for fair adjudication .
The WTO dispute settlement body is good at solving specific trade disputes but not at improving general systematic situation of a regime .
WTO dispute settlement system has been considered as a milestone in the process of developing international trade by the academic circle and officials .
The second sub-part is to analyze the relationship between standard of review and other procedural rules , such as jurisdiction and rules of evidence .
WTO dispute settlement body is an important mechanism to make WTO operate regularly , and it is a useful method to safeguard its member benefits .
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body has seized nearly 400 disputes , in which the using of judicial economy by the panel has grown into tradition .
Judicial economy is one of the judicatory principles established in practice of WTO Dispute Settlement Body , and it is not specified by WTO agreement and its covering agreements .
Since both sides believed that they were on the right side and made no compromise , they finally resorted to the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO ( DSB ) .
We recommend that the [ WTO 's ] Dispute Settlement Body request China to bring the relevant measures into conformity with its obligations , the judges said in their report .
And the settlement of specific disputes by panels and appellate bodies helps clarify the Agreement 's ambiguity and ensure the trade system 's stability and consistence of the application of WTO Agreement .
There is a lot discontent from the members that aimed at the judicial activism of expert group and appeal institution in dispute settlement , though it has played a huge role before .
But on the other hand , in practice , GATT / WTO dispute settlement body sets strict limitations on the members when they are exercising such a right .
In recent years , investigation cases of anti-dumping and countervailing have been declining globally , while the dispute cases induced by safeguard measures being taken by relevant countries accepted by WTO dispute settlement body are rising .
The DSB settles the disputes between members by means of adopting the report of the Panel or Appellate Body .
The DSB established a Selection Committee composed of the Director General , the2007 Chairs of the General Council , Goods Council , Services Council , TRIPS Council and DSB .
SCM adopted two mechanisms : one is dealing according to Procedures of domestic countervailing law which is in accordance with SCM , the other is dealing through WTO Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ) .
Based on these two articles , and combined with the judicial interpretation of DSB and related domestic legislations , this paper offers detailed academic interpretation and merit review over the rules ' content and practices of application prerequisites .
The WTO rules need interpreting , and the Ministerial council , the general council , the experts for Dispute Settlement Organization and the appellate body are all legal subjects which have the authority to interpret relevant WTO regulations .
Meanwhile , the long-term US export control on China also embodied the misuse of the clause of Security Exceptions in GATT 1994 , which defied the authority of the Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ), spoiled free trading system .
Only one case against China has so far been pursued in the WTO 's dispute settlement body – a joint action by the EU , US and Canada on car parts , imports of which they say China is taxing unfairly .
This paper examines international agricultural trade disputes through Dispute Settlement Body of WTO since WTO came into existence and a logistic regression is explored to find out the eventual factors which determine the disputes .
Judicial applications of the principle of proportionality develop WTO law and the principle of proportionality should exert its function in judicial review of Dispute Settlement Body of WTO , and may control trade protectionism and keep within limits for abuse of rights by WTO members .
With the further progress of the global integration and development of the world economic , the kinds of the disputes in WTO Dispute Settlement Organization tend to more complex , many disputes seems as the trade relate to the environment protection , labor rights guarantee , and so on .
Through analysis from legislation and Judicature , the author tries to examine the basis that the reports of DSB on Article 20 of GATT could be used to interpret the general exception clause of GATS .