
  • 网络Proprietary information
  1. 除了上述来自眼科学界的批评之外,还有人提起诉讼,控告Opternative的创始人之一在另一项网站业务中使用了美国国家视力测定术考核委员会(NationalBoardofExaminersinOptometry)的专有信息。

    Adding to the criticism from the optometry community is a lawsuit alleging one of Opternative 's co-founders used proprietary information from the National Board of Examiners in Optometry for a different website business .

  2. Web2.0提供了业务机会,但在企业如何体现社区概念、共享和保护专有信息的方法以及确定和利用其市场中的长尾效应方面提出了挑战。

    Web 2.0 offers business opportunities , but brings challenges in how corporations embrace community , approach the sharing and protection of proprietary information , and identify and exploit The Long Tails in their marketplace .

  3. 又通过对USSD业务的应用类型及市场效益进行分析,最后确定了本系统采用中国移动的USSD业务来设计实现专有信息查询系统。

    An analysis about USSD service 's application type as well as market benefit is also taken . So it is decided to implement a proprietary information query system with USSD service of China Mobile .

  4. 基于USSD的专有信息查询系统经过严格的测试表明,系统使用方便、运行稳定,适合应用于基于无线技术的专有信息查询领域。

    A series of tests indicate that the proprietary information query system based on USSD , with the qualities of convenient use and stable work , is fit for the query field of proprietary information based on wireless technology .

  5. 本文研究专有信息对授权决策的影响。

    This paper investigates the effect of specific information on delegation .

  6. 我们可能能够回答他们的问题没有披露有关专有信息的载体。

    We may be able to answer their question without disclosing proprietary information about the vector .

  7. 在《信息自由法》的早期阶段,提供专有信息的公司常常感到得不到保护。

    During the early years of FOIA , however , companies submitting proprietary information often felt unprotected .

  8. 有时,雇员只是设法从雇主那盗窃某种东西&设备、软件、电子资金、专有信息或计算机时间。

    Sometimes the employee is simply trying to steal something from the employer-equipment , software , electronic funds , proprietary information , or computer time .

  9. 机密信息明确地包括一方专有信息中的任何信息和本协议中的条款和条件。

    Confidential Information shall expressly include any and all information derived from a party 's proprietary information and the terms and conditions of this Agreement .

  10. 本邮件及其附件可能包含机密和专有信息,仅限于发送给指定的收件人。

    This email message , and any attachments hereto , are for the sole use of the intended recipients , and may contain confidential and proprietary information .

  11. 随着无线通信网络近期的迅速发展,利用无线通信网络以及互联网络的现有资源开展专有信息查询业务成为了必然的趋势。

    With the quick development of wireless communication network recently , it becomes an inevitable trend to use both wireless communication network and existed Internet resource to develop the proprietary information query service .

  12. 专有信息的法律保护、多媒体作品的著作权保护、数据库保护等诸多新问题将促使知识产权法律保护对象和法律结构的调整;

    A lot of new problems such as the legal protection for monopolized information , the copyright protection for multimedia works , and the legal protection for databases , etc. , will adjust the legal structures of intellectual property .

  13. 不仅如此,加州法律还规定,只要员工在业余时间进行发明创造,且并未使用雇主的资源或专有信息,则转让协议、包括任何尾部条款,均不具有执行力。

    Not only that , but state law says that , as long as you developed your invention in your spare time and without using any of your employer 's resources or proprietary information , your assignment agreement including any trailer clauses can 't be enforced .

  14. 另一方面,服务业跨国公司的竞争优势更多的来源于商标、商誉、专有信息、服务技术、管理能力等无形资源,无形资源的获得和保持需要一个更加安全的外部环境。

    On the other hand , the competitive advantage of multinational enterprises in services are derived from intangible resources including trademarks , goodwill , proprietary information , technology of services , management capacity and so on . The creating and maintaining of intangible resources needs a more secure external environment .

  15. 就连接工厂而言,工厂类可以返回一个已预先装入专有连接信息的连接。

    In the case of connection factories , the factory class can return a connection that has been pre-loaded with the proprietary connection information .

  16. 该方法利用从语料库中自动提取到的专有名词信息和采用基于转换的错误驱动学习方法获得的规则,对切分文本进行属性标注,最终实现专有名词的识别。

    In this novelty approach , proper nouns ' term information together with rules attained by transformed-based error-driven learning is used to label properties of segmented text , so as to recognize proper nouns .

  17. 为保障专有行业信息系统的安全,最有效的解决方法是建设行业专网,通过专网与互联网的物理隔离,从而实现信息系统的安全保护。

    In order to guarantee the information security , the most effective solution is to build private network . Through the network physical isolation from the Internet to protect the security of information system .

  18. 利用各部门自己专有的信息工作平台,将流动人口的基础信息共享,消除部门隔阂,使信息资源能在各单位、各部门间高效地横向流动。

    Take advantage of the various departments of the proprietary platform of information , sharing the horizontal information of mobile population , eliminating gap among departments , making information to horizontal flow efficiently in them .

  19. 它们包含了持有者的专有名称的信息,可以作为路由表的主键。

    They contain information in the subject 's distinguished name , which can be used as a key into a routing table .

  20. 信息资源共享则代表社会公众利益,要求限制信息专有,反对信息垄断。

    The share of information resource is on behalf of social public interests , requiring limit information exclusivity , and opposing to information monopoly .

  21. 本文从语言与文化的密切关系入手,依次分析了文化专有词的信息特点、形成原因和基本的翻译方法。

    This paper discusses three kinds of common translation methods which deal with the translation of culture-specific words that are caused by the asymmetry between two cultures .

  22. 根据案例中采集的翻译障碍数据,罗列出不完美文本导致的六大障碍:专有名词、孤立信息、语法问题、抽象概念、句式结构、一词多义。

    In this paper , according to information collected from the case , six kinds of obstacles were classified , namely Proper Noun , Isolated Information , Syntax Problem , Abstract Conception , Sentence Structure , and Polysemy .