
  1. 而人机工程学就是研究生产系统中人、机器和环境之间的相互作用的一门边缘科学,是IE的一个重要分支专业基础知识。

    The ergonomic is just an interdisciplinary science that studies mutual function between the human , machine and environment in the production system . It is specialized elementary knowledge and an important branch of the IE.

  2. 为学习后续课程打下必要的专业基础知识。

    This course is necessary for further specialty study for the students .

  3. 专业基础知识牢固,熟悉本专业各项规范、规程,熟悉最新技术发展动态;

    Solid professional knowledge , familiar with the professional norms , procedures , familiar with the latest technological developments ;

  4. 改革犯罪心理学教学内容和方法的目的:一是要培养学生必要的法学专业基础知识和实践技能;

    Purpose of reform of criminal psychology courses content the method : to train necessary law science basic knowledge and practical ability first ;

  5. 教学中如何奠定学生扎实的专业基础知识,并提高学生的获知能力和综合素质,对此我们进行了教改探索。

    We have probed into education reform about how to establish students'solid speciality knowledge and how to improve their learning ability and comprehensive qualities .

  6. 教师的综合素质急待提高:其中包括教师的数学专业基础知识、教学方法、教师对工作的热爱;

    The comprehensive quality of teacher treat raising urgently : In which include teacher , teaching method and the mathematics professional basic knowledge of teacher for work love ;

  7. 在教练员培训方面过于形式化,课程内容更新不及时,以专业基础知识为重,缺少以专项为中心的理论知识。

    In coaching ways too formal , the content of courses not updating to basic specialized knowledge is heavy , with special center for lack of theoretical knowledge . 4 .

  8. 分析发现,部分作为青年马克思主义者培养对象的学生存在缺乏坚定的理想信念、理论认识模糊、社会实践能力较弱、专业基础知识掌握不牢等问题。

    The analytical findings suggest some youth marxist training targets lack firm belief and idealism faith , solid theoretical knowledge , strong social practice capability , and competent expertise knowledge .

  9. 通过对调查数据的统计分析,显示数学学院师范生具备较好的专业基础知识和教学基本能力,而缺少实践知识和实践技能;

    By statistics and analyzing the investigation data , we draw some conclusions : the normal students have basic mathematical knowledge and basic teaching ability , but they lack practical teaching knowledge and skill ;

  10. 结果科研型硕士研究生培养能力按照百分比从高到低依次为:专业基础知识、临床知识、科研能力、社会适应能力、教学能力、管理能力、社区护理能力;

    Results In the type of scientific research , the order were the basic knowledge of nursing , clinical knowledge , research ability , ability of adapting society , teaching , management and the community nursing ability .

  11. 我国高职教育以培养掌握一定的专业基础知识,具备较强的职业综合能力,在建设、管理、服务等第一线工作的高级应用技术型人才为目标。

    The target of China higher vocational education is to equip the high-level application technical talents who work on the front line of construction , management and service etc. with certain professional knowledge and strong vocational comprehensive ability .

  12. 随着社会信息化的发展,图书馆馆员的政治思想素质、专业基础知识素质、辅助性素质和信息感知、收集、接受、处理等综合能力亟待提高和完善,以适应现代图书馆的工作环境和管理要求。

    With the development of social information , librarians ' political and vocational quality as well as comprehensive abilities of collecting and handling information are faced to be trained and improved so as to suit the needs of modern library management .

  13. 它具有一定的学术性,不仅能够反映博士研究生的专业基础知识掌握情况、科学研究能力、学术水平和科研学习态度,还能在一定程度上反映该学科的发展水平。

    It can reflect not only the foundation of professional knowledge of the doctoral students 、 scientific research ability 、 academic level and scientific attitude towards learning , but also to some extent , reflect the level of development of the discipline . This paper is divided into four parts .

  14. 教育实习是高校师范生在教师指导下,将所学的专业基础知识、基础理论和基本技能,综合运用于中学教育实践,培养从事中学教学工作能力的一门重要的实践性课程。

    Education practice is in under the guidance of teachers college student , will have learned basic specialized knowledge , basic theory and basic skills , the integrated use of secondary education practice , teaching in middle school for training the capacity of the one of the important practicality course .

  15. 注重学生专业基础理论知识的教育;

    This program pays much attention to the education of basic professional theory ;

  16. 而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。

    And I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice .

  17. 医学知识库与医学知识的获取理工院校生物医学工程专业基础医学知识的教学模式探讨

    Discussion on teaching mode of basic medical knowledge for Biomedical Engineering students in science and technology college

  18. 到目前为止,我已掌握了本专业的基础知识和有关网络的基本知识。

    So far , I have mastered the professional knowledge and the basis of the basic knowledge of the network .

  19. 这样,毕业生在掌握一门外语之外还须具备上述专业的基础知识。

    So that , the graduates will have a basic acknowledge in those in addition to their mastery of a foreign language .

  20. 探讨了理工院校生物医学工程专业基础医学知识教学的特点、目标及其实现方法。

    This thesis discusses the specialties , aims and its realizing methods for basic medical knowledge teaching of Biomedical Engineering in science and technology college .

  21. 为适应新课程需要,教师要认真学习本专业基础理论知识,修炼内功,提高专业素养;

    A teacher must improve his own teaching to meet the reform of the curriculum , and to study hard the basic theory to enhance the professional qualities , even the level in teaching .

  22. 理工院校生物医学工程专业基础医学知识的教学应结合自身专业的培养方向,突出自己的特色,为所培养的生物医学工程专业人才打下坚实的医学基础。

    In order to lay a solid medical foundation for Biomedical Engineering students , the basic medical knowledge teaching for Biomedical Engineering in science and technology college should highlight its specialties and closely follow its professional training direction .

  23. 本文探讨了固体物理教学内容、教学方法和教学手段改革的措施,实践结果表明,固体物理教学改革促进了专业基础理论知识的拓宽和保证了教师教育目标的实现。

    The reforming steps in teaching contents , teaching means and teaching instrument were presented in this paper . The practical results showed that solid state physics teaching reformation promoted the widening of professional theory knowledge and ensured the fulfillment of teachers ' instructing goals .

  24. 重视中师体育专业班基础理论知识的学习

    The Importance of Studying the Basic Knowledge for the Students Majoring in Physical Education in Normal Schools

  25. 教师的学科本体性知识可分为工具性知识、基础知识、专业基础和专业知识;

    The teacher 's discipline knowledge can be divided into instrumental knowledge , basic knowledge , and professional knowledge .

  26. 这个课程也被称为一个整体研究水平,它给学生一个宽广的能被运用到许多不同专业的文科基础知识。

    Also called a general studies degree , this program gives students a broad base of knowledge in the liberal arts that can be applied to many different professions .

  27. 介绍学生经常探讨这些不同的专业领域的基础知识,但每一个人领域的进一步勘探就取决于您选择的学习课程。

    Introductory students often explore the basics of these various specialty areas , but further exploration of each individual field may depend on what course of study you select .

  28. 本论文的内容填补了国内箱包结构研究方面的空白,从论述中可以看出箱包专业缺乏基础性知识,有待于从各个方面深入研究。

    This thesis fills the gaps in the researching of bags structure in china . From the discussion , we can see that the major of bags is lack of basic knowledge ; we need to do a thorough research from all aspects .

  29. 本科阶段毕业论文的写作是对专业基本理论和基础知识积淀程度的体现,是毕业生逻辑思维、谋篇布局、语言表达和写作功底等显现的重要方面之一。

    Graduation thesis writing for the undergraduate course is a reflection of basic theories and knowledge level .

  30. 《中国对外贸易概论》是国际经济与贸易专业毕业生必备的基础知识,在本专业教学计划中占有重要地位。

    Introduction to Foreign Trade of China is the basic knowledge students in international economics and trade major must master , which is of great importance to this teaching plan .