
  • 网络engineered safety features;ESF
  1. 结果表明,在发生全厂断电的设计基准事故时,由蓄电池组支持的不间断交流电源装置可以可靠地保证各专设安全设施完成其安全功能,并能为反应堆事故监测提供20小时的电力供应。

    The result of the experiment has shown that the UPS , supplied by the battery , can ensure all engineered safety features to finish their safety function reliably and can supply 20 hours power energy for the demand of the HTR 10 accident supervision and measure .

  2. 核电站的辅助电源系统作为安全电源,在机组故障导致厂用电从主电网切换到辅助电源时向必须运行的专设安全设施供电,以保证反应堆安全停堆。

    The auxiliary power supply of Nuclear Power Station is used to supply the engineered safety features to ensure the safe shutdown of the reactor , when unit trip causes the house supply switch from Main Transformer to it .

  3. 检验了专设安全设施的功能;

    Evaluating the function of engineered safety feature .

  4. 核电厂专设安全设施电气控制逻辑装置的分析研究

    Analysis of electric control logic unit for the engineering safety feature of a nuclear power plant

  5. 核反应堆专设安全设施的失效率估计是反应堆可靠性数据处理的一项重要工作。

    Estimations of failure rates engineered safeguards features of nuclear reactors are important jobs for reactor reliability data processing .