
  • 网络professional design;Design;Professional
  1. 我司是一家专业设计,生产,销售LED光电系列产品的科技性企业。

    Division I is a professional design , production and sale LED photoelectric series products of science and technology enterprise .

  2. 德国飞行设计公司是专业设计和生产的轻型运动类飞机的厂家,公司主要生产全复合材料机身的CT系列运动型飞机。

    Germany 's Flight Design is a professional design and manufacture of light sport aircraft manufacturers , the company produces all-composite fuselage of the CT series aircraft movement .

  3. 我公司专业设计生产各类医疗,美容用ABS,塑料外壳产品。

    We are professional in design and manufacture all kinds of plastic ( ABS ) cases for medical , beauty and other industrial testing equipment .

  4. 而C公司作为湖南本土专业设计公司,广告定价策略既要考虑到成本因素,又要考虑到市场、竞争对手、自身管理等方面的情况。

    While company C as a native of Hunan , professional design companies , advertising pricing strategy takes into account both the cost factor , but also taking into account the market , competition , management and other aspects of the case .

  5. 穆氏(MMoserAssociatesLtd)公司是一家由建筑师和室内设计师组成的外商投资企业,公司提供专业设计及装修。

    M Moser Associates is an international firm of architects and interior designers specializing in designing and fitting out corporate offices for multinational companies .

  6. 通过对国际性EPCC项目参与过程的描述,介绍了暖通空调专业设计人员在设计该类项目时应做的具体工作,并介绍了在每一步骤中应注意的问题。

    States the specific process and presents the works that HVAC engineers should do and the problems that should be noticed in every process in international EPCC projects .

  7. 浅论结构素描在专业设计中的作用

    A Brief Talk on the Functions of Structure Sketch in Specialized Design

  8. 总图运输专业设计技术的发展趋势

    Developing trend of design technology in general layout and transportation

  9. 编写专业设计导则是提高设计质量的重要措施

    Compilation of Design Guide-One Important Measure to Enhance Design Quality

  10. 工科院校景观学专业设计课程教学体系改革探讨

    Teaching reform for design courses of landscape architecture specialty in engineering colleges

  11. 风景园林本科专业设计课程中生态教育的教学实践、改革与评价

    A Trial Practice and Evaluation of Ecological-planning-oriented Studio Teaching in LA Discipline

  12. 等级表在仪表专业设计及管理中的应用

    The Application of Classification in the Instrument Engineering and Management

  13. 本公司专业设计和制造香薰灯饰系列产品的生产型企业。

    Our company specializes in the design and production of fragrance lamps .

  14. 拥有一支高、精、尖专业设计人才团队。

    Has a high , refined professional design talent team .

  15. 加强专业设计型实验提高学生的综合素质

    On Improving Students ' Comprehensive Quality from Strengthening Designing Experiment of Special Field

  16. 建筑设计需要各个专业设计人员的密切配合。

    Building design must be completed by coordination of different professions of designers .

  17. 对工业设计专业设计类课程授课模式的探索

    On Exploration of Teaching Mode for Industrial Design Courses

  18. 专业设计制造各型手动、自动喷砂机。

    Designing and producing different types of manual and automatic sand blasting machines .

  19. 本公司成立于1998年,专业设计、生产货车和集装箱车身配件。

    Founded in1998 , WenJu specialized in designing and manufacturing truck and container components .

  20. 具体的可以和我咨询。我是专业设计联轴器的。13832708163。

    Specific consultation with me . I am a professional design of the coupling.13832708163 .

  21. 管线综合与各专业设计的联系

    Relations of Pipeline Comprehension with Various Professional Designs

  22. 如何结合企业特点做课程的专业设计?

    How to do professional design for courses with the company 's features combined ?

  23. 适应面广,可根据基材性质进行各种专业设计。

    Wide adaptability , and can be professionally designed according to the nature of substrates .

  24. 暖通专业设计监理的开展

    Development of Heat - Ventilation Design Supervision

  25. 从设计基础到专业设计&综合形态构成与空间意象表达

    From the Design ABC to Professional Design & The Comprehensive Form Composition and Spatial Image Expression

  26. 我们有一流的专业设计人才、材料分析、工艺师。

    We have the first-class specialized design talented person , the material analysis , the technologist .

  27. 博鳌水城工程设备专业设计

    Equipment designs for Boao Aquapolis project

  28. 设计素描中的造型语言&兼议设计艺术专业设计素描课程的教学理念

    The Shape Language in Designing Sketch Teaching ideas in designing sketch course for art designing major

  29. 建设企业管理软件、工程预算软件、各专业设计软件、装修设计软件等;

    Construction management software , engineering budget software , all professional design software , decorating design software .

  30. 我们拥有着一支积极、热情、团结、上进并敢于创新的专业设计队伍。

    We have in a positive , enthusiastic , unity , progress and innovation professional design team .