
  • 网络special paper
  1. 喷墨打印及其专用纸

    Ink-jet printing and it ′ s special paper

  2. 然后把确认油量(油迹)专用纸插入到旋梭下面5秒钟,测定油量。(速度:2000rpm)

    And insert a sheet of paper for confirming the oil amount ( oil spots ) under the hook for 5 seconds to measure the amount of oil in the hook . ( Speed : 2,000 rpm )

  3. 美术专用纸对数码输出影像质量及耐久性的影响

    Influence of Art-use Paper on the Quality and Durability of Digital Output Image

  4. 如果国家税务总局分配的防伪专用纸数量不够或防伪专用纸11月底之前未运到

    If the amount of special anti-fake paper allocated by the State Administration of Taxation is not enough or the special anti-fake paper will not be delivered before the end of November

  5. 在此基础上,经过广泛调研、比较,研制出了专用托纸和粘胶剂,解决了机械修裱机配套用纸和粘胶剂的需要。

    At the same time , Special supporting paper and glue are developed , which are nice match with the machine .

  6. 注意:答案必须标明题号,按序写在专用答题纸上,写在本试卷上或草稿纸上者一律不给分。

    Write down your answers to all the questions in this test in separate blank answer sheets provided at your test center .

  7. 研制的专用托纸优于传统托纸,具有纸质均匀、白度适中等优点,已普遍推广。

    Some experiment have indicated that The developed paper is superior to traditional supporting paper , having advantages such as uniform quality , moderate whiteness ;

  8. 沉淀法高档卷烟纸专用碳酸钙抄纸试验

    The Papermaking Test of Calcium Carbonate Especially for high-quality Cigarette Paper Manufactured by Precipitation Method

  9. 实际试用结果证明,本实用新型的信息处理用专用格式连续打印纸完全满足实际生产的需要。

    As is proved by the actual trial use , the specialized formula successive printing paper which is used for information handling completely meets the demands of actual production .

  10. 女王专用机队的一架飞机.影印机只能使用专用纸。

    An aircraft of the Queen 's flight The photocopier only work with a particular type of paper .