
  1. 这一系统采用两个法国SOMFYFTS专用电机,电子控制以调节面料的张力。

    The system adopts two SOMFY motors and electrical controls to regulate the fabric tension .

  2. 采用专用电机,结构紧凑。

    The fan adapt special motor , so the configuration is compact .

  3. 由于专用电机为短时工作制,调试时,连续试车时间不可太长。

    Because of the short-time duty of motor , continuous trial run shall not be too long .

  4. 采用专用电机控制卡控制、软件驱动焊枪执行机构的方法,可靠性高,响应快,控制简单。

    Welding gun can run accurately and reliably in term of weld parameter with special motor control card and control software .

  5. 公司主要经营各类工程风机、工业风机、空调风机等系列风机及风机专用电机。

    The company mainly engaged in various projects and fan , industrial fan , air-conditioning fan series dedicated fan and blower motor .

  6. 文中介绍这种专用电机的主要结构及设计特点,并将试制产品的性能指标与国外样机进行了对比分析。

    The main structure and design features of this special purpose motor is introduced in this paper , and is compared with performance targets of prototype .

  7. 因而无轴承电机在很大程度上拓宽了高速电机的应用领域,如生物、化学、医学、半导体工业专用电机,超微电机等。

    For these reasons , the bearingless motor has widened the application of high speed drives , such as special motors in the areas of biotechnology , chemical , medical , semiconductor and miniature motors , etc.

  8. 两工位数控专用电机壳铣钻床研制给出了两步法冲裁级进模的两种结构形式:两工位两工步和三工位两工步结构形式。

    Design of Two Worktable Milling and Drilling Special Machine to Motor Casing by NC Technique And two constructional types of progressive dies with two-step blanking is researched and developed , two stations two steps and three stations three steps construction types .

  9. 介绍一种采用TI专用于电机控制的TMS320LF2407ADSP芯片完成超声波电机的驱动和控制的设计方法。

    In this paper . a design adopted by TMS320LF2407A DSP to drive and control an ultrasonic motor is introduced .

  10. 基于Pro/E的专用减速电机的设计与研究

    Design and Research on Special Reduction Motor Based on Pro / E

  11. 专用数字电机控制器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Special Numeric Motor Controller

  12. 矿用掘井机专用防爆电机机座结构及焊接工艺要点

    Key Points of Welding Technology and Frame Structure of Special Ex Motor Used in Coal Mine Entry Driving Machine

  13. 专用直线振荡电机的振荡特性分析

    The Oscillation Characteristic Analysis of a Special Linear Motion Oscillation Motor

  14. 提高冷却塔专用三相异步电机的质量

    Discussion on Quality Improvement of the Three-Phase Induction Motor for Cooling Tower Application

  15. 公司还为客人定制各种专用的交流电机,特别是做国外品牌产品的替代品。

    Hoo-motor also produce customized AC motor , particularly to substitute foreign brand products .

  16. 以固定开通角的专用步进电机为例,对定转子齿极宽度是否相等、磁路的饱和性与电机负载能力的关系进行了仿真分析和样机测试。

    Studied the relation between tooth width , magnetic saturation and load ability of special stepping motor In this papers .

  17. 立式烧结冷却机与余热发电工艺研发提高冷却塔专用三相异步电机的质量

    Development of a Vertical Sinter Cooler and Waste Heat Generating Process Discussion on Quality Improvement of the Three-Phase Induction Motor for Cooling Tower Application

  18. MGA电机为德国著名的电机品牌,是汽车内部空调专用的风扇驱动电机,其性能好坏对汽车内部温度环境有着重要影响。

    MGA motor , a famous motor brand in Germany , is a dedicated fan-driven motor for internal vehicle air-conditioning , whose performance quality has an important impact on the internal temperature environment of the vehicle .

  19. 无齿轮电梯专用永磁同步电机调速系统的实现

    Implementation of Control System of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Elevator Driver

  20. 本文在深入研究相关理论基础上,设计了一套电梯专用永磁同步电机变频器实验平台。

    A suit of elevator special inverter experimental platform is designed based on lucubrating in corresponding theories .

  21. 介绍隧道专用通风机的电机绕组故障类型、原因、检查及排除方法。

    The paper introduces the types , causes , checking and troubleshooting of the faults of ventilators for tunnels .

  22. 分站上的监控按钮开关接点在进入分机内的单片机的同时,直接连接到应急监控箱内,由专用电缆连接到电机电源监控柜,实现电机开停控制。

    Monitoring sub-station on the contact button to switch to enter the extension in the SCM at the same time , direct box to connect to the emergency monitoring by a dedicated cable connected to the electric power monitoring counters , open to stop the achievement of motor control .