
  • 网络Album Rock
  1. 笼统的说,这张专辑更加摇滚一些,伴随着很大声的鼓点。这张专辑比上一张专辑更加具有进取性。

    In broad strokes , the tone is more on the rock side with bigger drum sounds . It 's a little more aggressive than the last record .

  2. 喷火战机乐队以“伪装者”(Pretender)获得最佳硬摇滚表演奖,并以“回声、沉默、耐心和优雅”(Echoes,Silence,Patience&Grace)专辑获得最佳摇滚专辑奖。

    The Foo Fighters won the Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance for " The Pretender ," and Best Rock Album for Echoes , Silence , Patience & Grace .

  3. 来听听这首歌,专辑《异次元摇滚》中的《噢耶》。

    Listen to this song , Oh Yeah , on Music From Another Dimension .