
zhuān jī
  • special plane;private plane
专机 [zhuān jī]
  • (1) [special plane]∶在正常班机之外专为某人或某事特别飞行的飞机

  • 代表团乘专机回国

  • (2) [private plane]∶某人专用的飞机

  • 总统专机

专机[zhuān jī]
  1. 你第一次做专机吗

    This is your first time on a private plane ?

  2. 专机没有按通常的商业航线飞行。

    The special plane did not fly the usual commercial route .

  3. 专机起飞了。

    The special plane took off .

  4. 基于PLC的电极接头切断专机控制系统

    Control System of Electrode Tie-in Special Cutting Machine Based on PLC

  5. 用PLC改进铣钻专机控制系统

    Improving the Controlling System of Casting & Drilling Machine with PLC

  6. 面向精镗孔专机液压站的CAD技术研究

    The Research of Computer Aided Design Facing to the Hydraulic Workstation of the Finish-boring Machine

  7. PLC在缸套内孔专机润滑系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Lubricating System of Special Machine for Inner Hole of Cylinder Casing

  8. 基于PLC控制的矩形花键加工专机设计

    Design of the special milling machine based upon PLC used for rectangle spline shaft manufacturing

  9. 全自动CNC镗削活塞销孔专机的研究开发

    Research and Development of Full Automatic CNC Special Machine for Boring Piston Pin Hole

  10. 液力变矩器总成六点TIG焊专机控制系统设计

    Design of special TIG welding machine used for six PTP assembly welding to the hydraulic torque converter

  11. 当卡梅伦的专机飞离北京,前往首尔参加g20峰会时,英国官员想知道,他的外交活动是否全部见效了。

    As the prime ministerial aircraft took off from Beijing en route to the G20 summit in Seoul , officials were wondering whether all the diplomacy was effective .

  12. 公司甚至还派了一架DC-3型专机接我回去。

    The company even sent a DC-3 to bring me back .

  13. 介绍了一种用于液力变矩器总成焊接的六点TIG焊专机控制系统。

    This paper introduced the design of a TIG welding machine , which is used for six PTP ( point to point ) assembling welding of the Hydraulic Torque Converter .

  14. 针对DHF电磁换向阀的结构及特点,详细地介绍了阀体自动焊接专机的机械运动系统、火焰加热系统、钎焊夹具及火焰钎焊工艺过程。

    Mechanical structure of brazing machine , flame heating system , fixture and procedure for auto - brazing of valve body of DHF electromagnetic reversal valve are introduced .

  15. 本文所介绍的HF-150环缝自动焊机控制器是一种新型的自动焊接专机控制器,具有焊接过程自动程序控制,焊接转角数字化设定,对高频焊接电源有较强抗干扰能力等特点。

    A new type of automatic welding controller-HF 150 Automatic Welding Controller is introduced in this paper . This controller has the adventages of automatic controlling in welding progress , digital setting to welding angle , high anti disturbance ability to high frequency welding machine .

  16. 首先通过不同过盈装配方式分析,针对动平衡热压专机的具体要求选择采用热压方法完成齿轮与AEB平衡轴的装配。

    First of all , various assembly methods have been analysed and the hot-press method to complete the assembly of the gear and the AEB Balancing Shaft according to the specific requirements of the equipment has been chosen .

  17. 马鞍型管接头气割专机的设计

    The Design of Gas Cutting Machine for the Shadow-shape Pipe Coupling

  18. 摩托车焊接专机及焊接机器人技术经济浅析

    A Techno-Economical Analysis of Special Welding Machine and Robot for Motorcycle

  19. 比斯克锅炉厂的锅炉制造专机概述

    Introduction of the Special Manufacture Instrument of One Russion Boiler Work

  20. 可编程控制在铣钻专机中的应用

    The Application of the Programable Control in Milling - Drilling Machine Tools

  21. 任何新的总统专机都要达到很高的要求。

    Any new presidential plane has a lot to live up to .

  22. 浓相输送管道防腐耐磨剂刷涂专机

    Special paint machine of anti-corrosive and anti-friction for dense phase transfer pipe

  23. 活塞生产线中复合专机的结构布局形态方案创成

    Generative design of configurations for multifunctional machine tools in a product line

  24. 这是美国总统的专机。

    This plane carries the president of the United states .

  25. 阿拉伯人将被用私人专机送往萨格勒布。

    The Arabs would be flown by private charter plane to zagreb .

  26. 高温圆筒内壁堆焊焊接专机的研制

    Development of special welding machine for inner surfacing welding of high-temperature cylinder

  27. 装载机铲斗对接专机的设计及使用

    Design and Applications of Special Docking Device of Loader Bucket

  28. 薄壁铝管自动焊接专机中焊接电流的控制

    Welding Current Control in Automatic Welder for Aluminium Thin Tube

  29. 去幽灵岛的专机就要开始登机了。

    Charter service to spooky island will begin boarding momentarily .

  30. 介绍了焊接专机的特点及焊接工艺。

    The features of special welding machine and welding procedure are introduced .