
  • 网络state environmental protection administration;SEPA;State Environmental Protection Administration of China;state environmental protection agency;NEPA
  1. 国家环境保护总局办公厅下发&关于执行汽车污染物排放标准有关问题的通知

    SEPA Issued the Notice on Implementing the Emission Limits for Auto - Pollutants

  2. 《澜沧江水电开发利弊量化研究》课题是国家环境保护总局环境工程评估中心自筹课题,本论文是作者在该课题的子课题《糯扎渡水电站环境资源价值核算研究》的基础上完成的。

    This paper completed on the basis of < Advantages and Disadvantages Research of Water and Electricity Exploitation in Lancangjiang > from Appraisal Center for Environment & Engineering ( ACEE ), SEPA .

  3. 国家环境保护总局核安全管理司核电一处。

    Department of Nuclear Safety and Management of SEPA , China .

  4. 国家环境保护总局于1998年正式颁布实施非污染生态影响评价。

    National Environmental Protection Bureau promulgated and carried out non-polluted EIA in1998 .

  5. 战略环评是构建环境友好型社会的切入点&访国家环境保护总局副局长潘岳

    Strategical Environmental Assessment is the Starting Point of Constructing an Environmental Friendly Society

  6. 本文的研究对象相对限定于对环境领域的综合规制机构&国家环境保护总局的规则制定。

    This dissertation limits to the rulemaking of State Environmental Protection Agency , which is a comprehensive regulatory agency in environmental area .

  7. 为此,国家环境保护总局环境规划院对包头钢铁(集团)公司进行了生态工业园区建设规划研究,从循环经济的角度进行了方案设计和规划,本论文是该研究的基础上完成的。

    Therefore , Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning have researched on the planning and building of eco-industry park for Baotou iron and steel co.

  8. 为此,国家环境保护总局在全国113个环保重点城市陆续开展了环境质量全面达标工作。

    So , the national environment protection bureau of China is developing total target hitting work in succession at 113 major cities in China .

  9. 为了检测该行动计划的中期效果,国家环境保护总局授权中国工程院进行评估。

    To assess the midterm performance of the action plan , the Ministry of Environmental Protection authorized the engineering academy to conduct the assessment .

  10. 据国家环境保护总局统计,2001-2004年,我国每年环境污染和破坏事故都在1400-2000件之间。

    According to the statistics of State Environmental Protection Administration , there were nearly 1400-2000 environmental pollution and damage accidents per year during 2001-2004 .

  11. 景观生态学目前是国家环境保护总局《非污染生态影响评价技术导则》[1]引入的概念框架和理论方法。

    The landscape ecology is the conceptual frame and theoretical method currently introduced by " The Technical Guide of Unpolluted Ecological Impact Assessment " issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration .

  12. 国家环境保护总局号召开展的创建全国环境优美乡镇工作,是改善区域环境质量的重要手段,是加强生态保护的重要载体。

    The programme of Creating Environmental Elegant Town proposed by the State Environmental Protection Administration ( SEPA ) is a very important instrument to improve regional environmental quality and strengthen ecological protection .

  13. 因此,国家环境保护总局已于04年发布了《建设项目环境风险评价技术导则》(HJ/T169-2004),对建设项目环境风险评价提出了更具体和详尽的要求。

    Therefore , the State Environmental Protection Administration has issued 04 " building projects environmental risk evaluation of technical guidelines " ( HJ / T169-2004 ), On environmental risk assessment of construction projects put forward more specific and detailed requirements .

  14. 环境审计自产生以来,世界各国都在为其做着不懈的努力,特别是中国最近的大部制改革组建环境保护部不再保留国家环境保护总局,体现出国家对环境保护的重视。

    Since the appearance of environmental auditing , all the countries made great efforts . Especially , the restructure of the State Council recently , and the state organized Ministry of Environmental Protection , in place of State Environmental Protection Administration , indicating the significance of environment protection .

  15. 十年后,国家环境保护局升格为正部级机构,改称国家环境保护总局。

    Ten years after that , NEPA was renamed State Environmental Protection Administration of China , with the same level of ministry .