
  • 网络International Security Studies
  1. 这些对安全的新看法在国际安全研究领域日益受到关注。

    These receive the attention day by day to the safe in the international security research area .

  2. 美国耶鲁大学历史学迪尔沃思讲座教授、国际安全研究项目主任保罗·肯尼迪可称为近二三十年来最享盛名的国际关系史和战略史学家。

    Paul Kennedy is one of the most renowned historians in the recent 20-30 years for international relations and strategy .

  3. 来看看这张来自科学与国际安全研究所显示朝鲜火箭发射台的卫星图像。

    There 's a new picture that appears to show a rocket on a in North Korea . Take a look at this ; this is the satellite image that comes from the .

  4. 因此,非传统安全问题必须与传统安全问题协调解决,国际安全研究应该强调传统安全与非传统安全并重。

    Hence , the settlement of non-traditional security issues should be maintained in concert with the handling of traditional security concerns . In the future , studies of international security should attach equal importance to both traditional and non-traditional security issues .

  5. 反恐时代下国际海事安全研究

    International Maritime Safety Researches in an Anti-terrorism Era

  6. 在国际安全问题研究中,国家安全观研究是其中最为活跃的领域之一。

    National security concept is currently one of the most active issues in international security study .

  7. 正是于此,近年来,人群疏散的研究已经发展成为一门独立的学科,成为国际上安全研究的一个新的热点。

    In recent years , the study of evacuation has become one of the focus of the international safety study , forming a new subject .

  8. 冷战以前,在西方的国际安全理论研究中,军事安全始终是世界各国面临的最重要、最突出的安全课题,传统安全在国家安全中始终处于绝对优先的地位。

    Before the Cold War , military security is perpetually the most important security subject , and traditional security stands in the extremely prior status .

  9. 因此,用计算机来模拟人员疏散行为的技术已经成为国际上安全研究的一个重要手段。

    Therefore , using a computer to simulate evacuation behavior has become an important technology tool in the international security research . Currently , some achievements have been obtained in the research of evacuation simulation at home and abroad .

  10. 加拿大国际和平与安全研究所

    Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security

  11. 但是德国国际和安全事务研究所的苏珊·斯图尔特认为双方将跨越这种不舒服的关系。

    But Susan Stewart of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs believes the two sides will get beyond this uncomfortable issue .

  12. 建筑物的性能化防火设计是近年来国际火灾安全科学研究中心中发展较快的学科领域。

    In recent years , the performance fireproofing design of construction is one of the fields with high development of International Association for Fire Safety Science ( IAFSS ) .

  13. 目前在以国际安全领域为研究范畴对国际河流问题如上下游水争端的国内探讨还不够深入,并没有形成相应的理论框架和逻辑体系。

    Presently , our research under the research framework of international security still run short of the depth about the international river issues such as the crisis between upstream states and downstream ones . We still have not built corresponding theory framework and logic system .

  14. 中国国际安全标准管理模式研究

    Research of International Fashionable Standard Safety Management Model of China

  15. 国际职业安全卫生立法研究及对我国的启示

    The Research on Legislation of International Occupational Safety and Health and Its Enlightenment for Our Country