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  1. 符合本规例的规定而设置的任何国际通岸接头,须按照附表1的规定建造。

    Any international shore connection provided in compliance with these Regulations shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the first schedule .

  2. 目前的国际通说认为,损害赔偿由非财产损害赔偿和财产损害赔偿两部分组成,且非财产损害赔偿制度越来越受到重视。

    The theory that damages include non-pecuniary damages and pecuniary damages is international now . And non-pecuniary damages compensation system is getting more and more important .

  3. 英国表示,朝鲜于周五向各大使馆和国际组织发出通/警告。

    Britain says North Korea gave the warning to embassies and international organizations on Friday .

  4. 第一步是通过建立向量自回归模型来分析国际粮价与国内通粮价之间的动态关系。

    The first step is to establish a VAR model to analyze the dynamic relationship between international and domestic grain prices .