
  • 网络Mashan;masan;homa
  1. 幸运的是她在南部马山市的一顶帐篷里得以继续学业

    Luckily , she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan

  2. 幸运的是,她在南部马山市的一顶帐篷里得以继续学业。

    Luckily , she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan .

  3. 基于GIS的农用地质量综合评价方法研究&以无锡市马山区为例

    Synthetic evaluation method of farmland quality based on gis : a case study in Mashan district , wuxi

  4. 采用有限差程序FLAC3D对天马山黄金矿残留矿柱进行回采模拟,对矿柱进行不断的模拟开挖,直至顶板岩层发生破坏。

    The finite difference procedure FLAC3D was adopted to simulate the recovery of the residual pillars in Tianmashan gold mine till the destruction of the roof strata .

  5. 库鲁克塔格赛马山一带中元古界构造变形研究

    Structural deformation of the Proterozoic along horse racing mountains , kuruktag

  6. 于是马山用自己的生命重新建立了秩序。

    So Ma Shan with its own life re-established the order .

  7. 马山金(硫)矿床地球物理地球化学找矿模式

    Geophysical and geochemical prospecting model of Mashan gold and sulfur deposit

  8. 无锡市马山牛奶有限公司污水处理工程调试

    The Debugging of the Sewage-Treatment System of WuXi , MaShan Dairy Company

  9. 无锡市马山区城镇建设用地的经济价值评估

    Economic Evaluation of Urban Land in Mashan District of Wuxi

  10. 安徽马山金铜矿的地球化学研究

    Study on Geochemistry of Cu , Au deposit in mashan , Anhui

  11. 江陵马山战国墓出土丝织品

    Silks excavated from the tomb of Warring States period at Mashan , Jianling

  12. 无锡市马山花卉生产项目的可行性研究。

    Feasibility Research on flower Production in Wuxi Mashon .

  13. 我劝你们马山离开。

    I advise that you leave at once .

  14. 安徽省马山矿区硫化物矿石中黄铁矿与磁铁矿的后成合晶

    A SYMPLECTITE of pyrite and magnetite in sulphide ore from mashan , Anhui Province

  15. 马山小学是我家,文明礼貌靠大家。

    The primary school of Mashan is my home , the civility depends on everybody .

  16. 在加拿大的曼尼托巴省骑马山自然公园里,白桦树长得直入云霄。

    White birch trees stand tall in Riding Mountain National Park , in Manitoba , Canada .

  17. 第六章是动词性形态,详细的描写了马山壮语比较典型的十种体标记。

    Chapter six is about verb class , describes ten typical aspect marking of MaShan Zhuang .

  18. 提出葫芦河蛇绿岩带属“野马山木里拉脊山早古生代结合带”东延组成部分。

    The Huluhe ophiolite zone includes " Early Paleozoic of Yemashan-Mouli-Lajishan suture zone " a eastward extension .

  19. 麦克·基杰克这15年来一直乘坐热气球飞过加州的索诺马山谷。

    Mike Kijak has been flying hot air balloons through California 's Sonoma Valley for 15 years .

  20. 马山黑山羊是广西马山县的特色产品之一。

    Ma Shan black goat is one of special production at Ma Shan county , Guangxi province .

  21. 嘿,杰瑞,过来看一下帕洛马山天文台刚发现了这个

    Hey , Jerry , you might wanna check this one out . Palomarjust picked it up .

  22. 壮族与瑶族传统体育文化特征的比较研究&以广西马山县为例

    Comparative Study on Traditional Sport Culture Features between Zhuang and Yao Nationality & Taking Mashan County as Example

  23. 右图是一座壮丽的罗赖马山,其高耸于委内瑞拉大萨瓦纳的森林景观。

    Pictured right is themagnificent Mount Roraima , towering above the forest landscape of theGran Sabana in Venezuela .

  24. 巴黎拥有一些著名的小山,其中最高的是蒙特马山,海拔130米(427英尺)。

    Paris has several prominent hills , of which the highest is Montmartre at130 m ( 427 ft ) .

  25. 那个拿马山枪的人就只是为了杀他,因为他的假酒害死了他的家人。

    The man who takes Ma Shan 's gun just wants to kill him because his artificial wine kills his family .

  26. 第二章是音系,描写了马山壮语的辅音、元音、声调及音节类型。

    Chapter two is the phonological system , describes the consonants , vowels , tonic types and syllable type of the MaShan Zhuang .

  27. 加利福尼亚巴乐马山上的5.1米的哈尔望远镜已经为尖端科学服务60年,取得了关于银河系和类星体的关键发现。

    The5.1-meter Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain , California , has done cutting-edge science for60 years , making key discoveries about galaxies and quasars .

  28. 目的:研究广西马山县7~16岁1765名农村壮族学生的身体发育状况。

    Objective : To study the physique development of 1765 rural students of Zhuang nationality aged 7 ~ 16 from Guangxi 's Mashan County .

  29. 此工艺比较适合天马山矿石性质和该矿实际生产情况。

    This technology is demonstrated by experiments to be adaptable for the treatment of such kind ores and for the practical production of Tianmashan mine .

  30. 马山壮族三声部民歌产生的历史渊源以及民歌的题材、曲调、格式规律、艺术特色等。

    Two , three sections of mashan zhuang folk produce historical origin and folk melodies , format the theme , law , art features of .