
  • 网络MARLIN;Blue Marlin
  1. 他缓慢地把钓丝放松,尽力想把这条马林鱼拖乏。

    Feeding line slowly , he tried to tire the marlin .

  2. 不,他拿着一个3000磅重的马林鱼-没错

    No , he 's holding a 3000-pound marlin . - Yep .

  3. 蓝枪鱼(俗称蓝色马林鱼)生活在大西洋(Atlantic)海域,它可能是这片海域的所有物种中最出名的鱼类。它们中的几个已囊括了全世界范围内所有的长嘴鱼品种。

    Although the Blue Marlin , a denizen of the Atlantic , may be the most recognizable member of this group of species , there are several that comprise a worldwide population of billfish .

  4. MLB佛罗里达马林鱼队最佳新秀,在2006年驾驶宾利车时拒绝接受酒精检测而被认定为酒驾。

    MLB Rookie of the Florida Marlins in2006 , driving the Bentley car refused alcohol testing and was identified as drunk driving .

  5. 这条马林鱼比船还长两英尺。

    The fish was two feet longer than the boat .

  6. 为了捕到这条马林鱼,圣地亚哥开始了长达三天的战斗。

    Santiago begins a three-day battle to catch the marlin .

  7. 你近距离看到过大的马林鱼吗?

    Have you seen the big ones up close ?

  8. 他想起有一回钓到了一对大马林鱼中的一条。

    He remembered the time he had hooked one of a pair of marlin .

  9. 日出时,马林鱼开始循环。

    At sunrise the marlin began to circle .

  10. 他钓到了一条巨大的马林鱼,这是他捕到的最大的鱼!

    He has hooked a huge Marlin the biggest fish he has ever caught !

  11. 他杀死了正在撕食马林鱼的另一条鲨鱼。

    The other he killed while it tore at the flesh of the marlin .

  12. 但我们都不知道马林鱼是否真有3000磅,对吗?

    But we all know marlins don 't really weigh 3000 pounds , right ?

  13. 他虽然几乎筋疲力尽,终于还是把自己的捕获物拉得和小船并排在一起并用鱼叉猛击这条马林鱼。

    Almost exhausted , he finally drew his catch alongside and drove in the harpoon .

  14. 它们吞噬了马林鱼,只剩下了鱼头、骨架和尾巴。

    They devour the marlin , leaving only the head , skeleton , and tail .

  15. 到20世纪30年代,海明威发现相比写作,抓大马林鱼其实更容易。

    By the mid-1930s Hemingway found it easier to catch huge marlin than to write .

  16. 快到中午时,一条马林鱼开始啃起一百深处的那块鱼饵来了。

    Toward noon a marlin started nibbling at the bait which was one hundred fathoms down .

  17. 他知道他们会离开他不过是他的大马林鱼的空骨架。

    He knew they would leave him nothing but the stripped skeleton of his great catch .

  18. 桑提亚哥瞧见鱼的跃起,知道自己钓到了一条未见过的最大的马林鱼。

    Seeing it leap , Santiago knew he had hooked the biggest marlin he had even seen .

  19. 他喝了一点水,然后把马林鱼捆绑在他那条小船的头部和尾部。

    He drank a little water before he lashed the marlin to bow and stern of his skiff .

  20. 在马可轧而沉没,带走了鱼叉和离开马林鱼肢解和血腥。

    The Mako rolled and sank , carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody .

  21. 但是成年雌马林鱼的体积大概是其配偶的三到四倍。

    Fully mature females can be as much as three or four times the size of their male counterparts .

  22. 没有,但我相信那个家伙弄不到路虎那么大的马林鱼

    No , but I don 't think the guy 's holding a marlin the size of a Range Rover .

  23. 在他的杰作《老人与海》里,他把自己对死亡的意识赋予了一条大马林鱼。

    In the masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea , he endows a large Marlin with his death consciousness .

  24. 但是当它们饿得慌,想吃东西的时候,身子两侧就会出现紫色条纹,象大马林鱼那样。

    But when he comes to feed , truly hungry , purple strips show on his sides as on a marlin .

  25. 这是一条凶猛的尖吻鲭鲨。它飞快地游了过来,用耙一样的牙齿撕这条死马林鱼。

    It was a fierce Mako , and it came in fast to slash with raking teeth at the dead marlin .

  26. 但是她们要避免进食鲨鱼、马林鱼和旗鱼,因为这些鱼中汞的含量及其他污染物的含量特别高。

    But they should avoid shark , marlin and swordfish because these fish are particularly high in mercury and other pollutants .

  27. 高汞鱼类的警告列表中,除了常见的那几种之外,《消费者报告》又补充了马林鱼和大西洋胸棘鲷。

    In addition to the usual warnings about high mercury fish , Consumer Reports added marlin and orange roughy to the list .

  28. 马林鱼不仅仅是被圣地亚哥征服的客体某种程度上也是老人的同一性身份。

    The marlin was not only the object conquered by Santiago but also was the identity with the old man to some extent .

  29. 这个时候,一些渔民聚在那只小船的周围,对这条从头到尾长有十八英尺的大马林鱼啧啧称奇。

    Meanwhile other fishermen , gathered about the skiff , marveled at the giant marlin , eighteen feet long from nose to tail .

  30. 相隔一年后,在季后赛第一轮对马林鱼队投出一场三安打完封胜,但是巨人队输掉那个系列赛。

    The next year , he tossed a three-hit shutout against the Marlins in the first round , but the giants lost the series .