
  • 网络Pacific bluefin tuna;Thunnus orientalis
  1. 56岁女渔夫唐娜-帕斯科钓到了或许是世界上最大的太平洋蓝鳍金枪鱼。

    Donna Pascoe , 56 , may have caught the worlds largest Pacific bluefin tuna , which would make the sizeable fish the largest of its kind to be caught on a rod and reel .

  2. 日前,新西兰人捕获了一条体重268公斤的金枪鱼,它很可能是目前世界上被捕获的最大的太平洋蓝鳍金枪鱼。

    The6ft to8ft-long Pacific bluefin tuna , weighing268kg ( 590lbs ), is believed to be the largest of its species landed by anglers , breaking New Zealand and possibly world weight records .

  3. 日本花费大量财力在大西洋和太平洋捕捞蓝鳍金枪鱼。

    Japan consumes a vast majority of Atlantic and Pacific bluefin caught .