
  • 网络space tourism
  1. XCOR公司预计将于2013年使用新式航天飞机开展太空游项目,票价为每人9.5万美元。

    XCOR anticipates beginning space tourist flights on the new plane in 2013 , with tickets selling for $ 95000 per person .

  2. 自从去年底开始在中国售票,XCOR的商业太空游已售出了34张票。

    XCOR has sold 34 tickets for commercially operated space flights in China since it began offering them in the country late last year .

  3. 这是不是比太空游容易一点?

    Is that easier than going up into space ?

  4. 但是你的健康状况能达到太空游的标准吗?

    But are you healthy enough to fly ?

  5. “在不久的将来,太空游将向平民探险家,商人和旅游爱好者开放。”

    " Space may soon open up to citizen explorers , businesses and tourists . "

  6. 假设你攒够了20万美金,准备参加维珍银河太空游计划。

    Let 's say you 've saved up 200 grand for a trip to space with Virgin Galactic .

  7. 美国联邦航空管理局近日公布了用于规范私人太空游的法规草案。

    The US Federal Aviation Administration has issued draft regulations for pilots and passengers participating in privately run space ventures .

  8. 问:你推出的太空游开价25万美元,你会不会担心到头来它只会成为一件奢侈品?

    Do you worry that you 've turned a trip to space , which costs $ 250000 , into just another luxury product ?

  9. 在谈及太空游是否合适时,他说:我个人的感觉是,我真希望去太空的人是我。

    As for the propriety of sending tourists into space , he said : my personal feeling is I wish it could be me .

  10. 联邦航空管理局指出,在不久的将来,太空游将向探险者、商人和旅游爱好者开放。政府资助的航空旅程

    Space may soon open up to citizen explorers , businessmen , and tourists , the Federal Aviation Administration said . government sponsored air travel

  11. 探索旅行公司的代理王陆叶说,公司还是每天会接到电话咨询太空游,“就好像什么事都没发生过”。

    Wang Luye , a travel agent at Dexo , said the company was continuing to receive inquiries about flights " as if nothing happened . "

  12. 同行的还有美国宇航员迈克尔-芬克以及俄罗斯宇航员尤里-隆恰科夫。来自得克萨斯州、从事电脑游戏开发的加里奥特为此次太空游共花费3500万美元。

    A video game developer from Texas , Garriott paid $ 35 million to fly into space alongside US astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian cosmonaut Yury Lonchakov .

  13. 探索旅行公司的总裁张勇预计,随着财富的增加,中国在未来将成为全球最大的太空游市场。

    Zhang Yong , chief executive of Dexo Travel , has predicted that China , with its growing wealth , is set to become the largest market for space tourism .

  14. 没有音乐可以听,也不能玩游戏来打发时间。说实话,这趟太空游听起来真的很不值。

    With no music to float about to , and no gaming to pass the time , it sounds rather like the whole trip wasn ` t really worth it to be honest .

  15. 在社交媒体上,一些中国人在谈及维珍银河飞船的坠毁时,借机抱怨这家公司拒绝为中国公民提供太空游,同时赞美中国在航天领域的成就。

    In comments on social media , some Chinese reacted to the Virgin Galactic crash as an occasion to complain about the company 's exclusion of Chinese citizens from space flights and to praise China 's own accomplishments .

  16. 长久以来人类都有一个想法,就是希望能在太空中翱游。

    There has been an enduring idea that one day everyone would fly in space .

  17. 美国联邦航空管理局公布了规范太空旅行的法规草案,该法规草案要求商业太空游者必须遵守相关安全要求,但不必通过专门的药物检测。

    Paying customers on commercially run flights to space would have to meet security requirements , but would not have to pass specific medical tests , according to draft U.S.regulations .