
  • 【医】Zika virus
  1. 其中有5人被诊断为患上了一种被称为Guillain-Barre的暂时性麻痹状态的病症,尽管尚未被证实,但普遍认为该病症是由寨卡病毒引起的。

    Five are thought to have developed a temporary paralysis condition known as Guillain-Barre because of Zika , although that link is unproven .

  2. 然而里约热内卢的市长EduardoPaes表示,寨卡病毒不会威胁奥运会的举办。

    Rio De Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes , however , saying the Zika virus is not a threat to the Olympic Games .

  3. Oxitec公司已经培育出对付寨卡病毒的转基因蚊子。

    Oxitec has already created gene-engineered mosquitoes to deal with the Zika virus .

  4. Oxitec公司声称他们的转基因埃及伊蚊(通用名:OX5034)可以大幅降低寨卡病毒以及登革热、基孔肯雅热和黄热病的传播。

    Well , Oxitec claims its Aedes aegypti mosquito ( known as the OX5034 ) can drastically reduce the spread of Zika as well as dengue , chikungunya and yellow fever .

  5. 寨卡病毒传播主要是通过确定的蚊子叮咬。

    Zika spreads mainly through the bite of a certain mosquito .

  6. 世界卫生组织之前已宣布寨卡病毒是全球公共突发卫生事件。

    The WHO has already declared Zika a global public health emergency .

  7. 寨卡病毒是通过受感染的埃及伊蚊叮咬而获得的。

    The Zika virus is acquired through bites from infected Aedes aegypti mosquitos .

  8. 当前,尚无寨卡病毒的有效治疗方法和疫苗。

    There are currently no effective treatments or vaccinations .

  9. 这意味着在一个两党合作的方式全力资助寨卡病毒的应急响应。

    That means working in a bipartisan way to fully fund our Zika response .

  10. 寨卡病毒由蚊虫传播,但也可以通过性行为传播。

    The Zika virus is carried by mosquitoes , but can also be transmitted sexually .

  11. 超过1400名新生儿的头小畸型已被证明与巴西寨卡病毒有关。

    More than 1400 cases of microcephaly in babies have been linked to Zika in Brazil .

  12. 考虑到寨卡病毒会导致出生缺陷,这一发现让人尤为担忧。

    In light of Zika 's link to birth defects , this finding is particularly concerning .

  13. 她说她“非常担心”寨卡病毒,

    She was , in her words , " extremely concerned " about the Zika virus ,

  14. 今年二月,世界卫生组织宣布,寨卡病毒已经成为全球公共卫生危机。

    In February , the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus a global public health emergency .

  15. 寨卡病毒的后果

    The Aftermath of Zika Virus

  16. 而对抗寨卡病毒的重点,在于消灭它的传播源:埃及斑蚊。

    The focus of fighting the virus has been on eliminating its carrier , the Aedes aegypti mosquito .

  17. 而国会连续七周休假没有做任何保护美国人抗击寨卡病毒的工作。

    And Congress has been on a seven-week recess without doing anything to protect Americans from the Zika virus .

  18. 美国国内记录在案的感染寨卡病毒的案例已经超过了600起,其中有73起案例中的病患是孕妇。

    The US territory has recorded more than 600 Zika cases , with 73 of those involving pregnant women .

  19. 波多黎各卫生部部长表示,一名70多岁的男性因为被蚊虫叮咬而感染了寨卡病毒,并于今年二月份的时候死亡。

    A 70-year-old man infected with the mosquito-borne virus died in February , Puerto Rico 's health secretary said .

  20. 去年年末,世界卫生组织宣布,寨卡病毒不再是全球紧急公共卫生事件。

    Late last year , the World Health Organization declared that Zika virus was no longer a global emergency .

  21. 此外,考虑到寨卡病毒的威胁,澳大利亚选手还拿到了1500个双重防护避孕套。

    And in addition , Australians have also been given 1500 double-strength rubber following concerns of the Zika virus .

  22. 自去年年底寨卡病毒最近一次在其他国家开始爆发流行,

    Since late last year , when the most recent outbreak of Zika started popping up in other countries ,

  23. 他们拒不批准专款给我们抗击寨卡病毒,以保护妇女和儿童。

    they 've refused to fund our efforts to protect women and children by fighting Zika in a serious way .

  24. 卫生部部长安娜·里乌斯表示,在记录在案的感染了寨卡病毒的孕妇中,已经有14人生下了孩子,她们的孩子都很健康。

    Health secretary Ana Rius said all 14 pregnant women infected with Zika who have given birth have healthy babies .

  25. 记得几年前人们——尤其是孕妇——担心感染寨卡病毒吗?

    Remember a few years ago when people - especially pregnant women - were concerned about contracting the Zika virus ?

  26. 近日,谷歌的慈善部门捐赠了一百万美元给联合国儿童基金会,以帮助禁止寨卡病毒的传播。

    Google 's charitable arm has donated $ 1m to Unicef to help stop the spread of the Zika virus .

  27. 常见的被记录的蚊虫传播疾病有西尼罗病、登革热、奇昆古尼亚热病甚至寨卡病毒等。

    Mosquito-borne diseases that are frequently documented include West Nile virus , dengue , chikungunya , and even the Zika virus .

  28. 近日,据卫生部门官员透露,波多黎各方面记录下了美国第一例寨卡病毒致死案例。

    The first known death in the US to the Zika virus has been recorded in Puerto Rico , say health officials .

  29. 在进行针对寨卡病毒的空中昆虫喷洒操作期间,数百万蜜蜂在南卡罗来纳州死亡。

    Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect-spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus .

  30. 运动员和医疗专家表示出了对以蚊子为传播媒介的寨卡病毒的担忧,并以此游说相关管理者以期推迟比赛。

    Athletes and health experts have raised concerns about the mosquito-borne Zika virus and have lobbied for the games to be postponed .