
  1. 通过对哈尼山寨箐口村传统节日“昂玛突”活动中两个寨神林的考察可以发现,旅游开发并不必然带来目的地文化的变迁,目的地文化还表现出固守的一面。

    Compare the two magic woods in Qingkou village on the time of traditional feast , we can find that tourism not always bring cultural change , the culture also represent fixedness .

  2. 本文以松桃苗族自治县鸡爪村苗族寨神为例,试图用宗教人类学的视角来揭示这种信仰的原神象征及其文化逻辑。

    By taking the numen 's religion of Jizhao village in Songtao Autonomous County as example in this article , the author revealed its original symbol and cultural logics from angle of religious anthropology .