
  1. 常州市太湖湾地区采石场景观污染评价与生态恢复研究

    Landscape Pollution Assessment and Ecological Restoration Technology on Quarries in the Tai Lake District of Changzhou City

  2. 江苏省常州市太湖湾地区的废弃采石场已经造成严重的景观污染。

    The serious landscape pollution in the Tai Lake district of Changzhou City is caused by abandoned quar - ries .

  3. 太湖北部湾多氯联苯分布特征及生态风险评价

    The distribution and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyl in surface sediments in the northern of Tai Lake

  4. 太湖十八湾野外示范工程实验结果表明,削浪工程能显著削弱波浪的能量,削减波高,波高削减系数达到75%左右。

    On water pollution with practical application value . ( 3 ) The field test of the Demonstration Project in Eighteen Bay of Lake Taihu showed that the project could weaken the energy of wave significantly , and the reducted factor of wave height could be about 75 % .

  5. 通过调查,在太湖竺山湾采集了受PAHs污染的底泥样品,检测了底泥中的多环芳烃含量。

    Based on the comprehensive review of relevant research in domestic and foreign , we had collected some sediment samples contaminated with PAHs in Zhushan Bay , Taihu Lake . The content of PAHs in sediments was detected .

  6. 太湖梅梁湾水环境监控预警体系研究

    A Study on Water Environment Surveillance and Early Warning System of Taihu Lake

  7. 太湖梅梁湾水体透明度的影响因素分析

    Analysis on Transparency Factors of Lake Taihu

  8. 磷及环境因子对太湖梅梁湾藻类生长及其群落影响

    Influence of Phosphorus and Environmental Factors on Algae Growth and Algal Community Structures in Taihu Lake

  9. 太湖与杭州湾地区原始稻作农业起源初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Origin of the Cultured Rice Agriculture in the Area of Taihu and Hangzhou Bay

  10. 考察了生态混凝土对太湖梅梁湾水源地水质改善效果。

    Effect of water quality improvement for source water from Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu through the use of Eco-concrete was studied .

  11. 采用人工介质富集微生物净化太湖梅梁湾水源地水体中的藻类。

    Pilot test was made on the removal algae in source water from Meiliang Bay in Taihu Lake through the use of enriched microbes by artificial medium .

  12. 为了研究水花生在不同投放密度下净化富营养化湖水的效果,在太湖梅梁湾进行了多种密度水花生放养试验。

    Experiments were carried out in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu to study the purifying effects of Alternanthera philoxeroides with different throw-in density for eutrophic lake water .

  13. 平均生物量高值出现在贡湖湾、西湖区、东太湖和东部湖湾,主要为软体动物。

    Mean biomass was highest in Gonghu Bay , Western region , East Taihu and East Bays , these sites were dominated by Mollusca .