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hé jiā
  • the whole family
合家 [hé jiā]
  • [the whole family] 全家;一家老小

  • 合家幸福

  1. 我不会仅仅为了你父母的缘故而装出合家欢的假象。

    I 'm not going to play happy families just for the benefit of your parents .

  2. 每年元旦我们都合家团聚。

    We have a family reunion every New Year 's Day .

  3. 祝大家事业有成,合家幸福。

    Finally wish everybody had new happy life with your family .

  4. 感谢以前的通力协作,祝您新年合家欢乐,万事顺利!

    Thank you for your help last year , wish you success !

  5. 麝香自己是在出席国际综艺合家欢也去看看吧。

    Musk himself was in attendance at IAC to watch , too .

  6. 春节是全家人合家团圆的一个节日。

    It is the day that the families get together .

  7. 是的。圣诞节是合家团圆的日子。

    Yes . Christmas is a time for family get-together .

  8. 圆代表合家团圆的意思。

    The round shape to a Chinese means family reunion .

  9. 祝所有的朋友新年快乐,合家欢乐!

    I wish all my friends a happy New Year and Carnival Fun !

  10. 身体健康,合家欢乐,胡氏兴旺!

    The health , the entire family is happy , Hu is prosperous !

  11. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。

    Our family reunions are always three ring circus .

  12. 人们庆祝节日,是因为节日是合家团圆的日子。

    People cherish some festivals because they are the days for family reunion .

  13. 利奥:是的,这个节日也是合家团圆的时刻。

    Leo : Yes . It 's a time for families to get together .

  14. 预祝全体同事节日快乐,合家欢乐!

    I wish all colleagues a pleasant holiday and a happy family in advance .

  15. 黄土高原吴起县合家沟流域困难立地生境特征研究

    Research of the Difficulties Site 's Habitat Characteristics in Hilly Region on Loess Plateau

  16. 祝你们在新居里,合家欢乐,身体健康!

    May happiness and good health attend you and your family in your new house .

  17. 恭祝各位博友新年愉快、工作顺利、合家欢乐!

    Hirotomo wish you a happy New Year and smooth work , and family happiness !

  18. 他们安然到达那里,合家团圆,共同度过一段很长的快乐时光。

    They arrived there safe and sound , and lived happily for a long time .

  19. 祝2005年合家身体健康,精神愉快。

    May the year of2005 find all your family in the best health and spirits .

  20. 感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;

    Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks , of family gatherings and holiday meals .

  21. 能否恳请您帮助询问一下,合家欢牌电动搅拌器是否还能从厂家买到。

    Would you please inquire if the Happy Family mixer is still obtainable from the manufacturers .

  22. 9月12日是今年的中秋节,中国一个合家团圆的传统节日。

    September12th marks this year 's Mid-Autumn Festival , a traditional Chinese holiday for family reunions .

  23. 孩子们可以晚一点睡觉,看一部适合合家共赏的好电影。

    The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family .

  24. 他带着一个甜蜜的梦从床上起来,希望圣诞节合家团聚。

    He gets up with a sweet dream , hoping to have a family reunion at Christmas .

  25. 中秋节,一个中国合家团圆的假日,落在9月12日。

    The Mid-autumn Festival , one of the reunion holidays for Chinese families , fell on September12th .

  26. 在中国,不断变化的社会现实往往使得人们很少有机会合家团圆。

    In China , family unity is often at odds with the reality of its changing society .

  27. 在美国,感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;

    Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks , of family gatherings and holiday meals .

  28. 特斯拉模型原型后视该公司的总部设在国际综艺合家欢活动。

    A rear view of the Tesla Model S prototype at the company 's event at the IAC headquarters .

  29. 结果由该光反射头组成的激光血管、神经环形吻合仪能够成功地吻合家兔颈动脉。

    RESULTS Arteria carotis of rabbit was successfully weld by the laser circle blood vessel and nerve anastomosis apparatus .

  30. 中国的传统新年春节一向是合家团聚的日子。

    Chinese New Year 's Day , or the Spring Festival , is a traditional day for family reunions .