
  • 网络suzhou pingtan
  1. 新形势下苏州评弹艺术的传承与保护

    Inheritance and Protection of Suzhou Pingtan under the New Situation

  2. 苏州评弹是评话和弹词流传到江南,与以苏州话为代表的吴方言结合的产物。

    Suzhou Pingtan , a combined term for Pinghua and Tanci is a flower in the art circles of Southern Yangtse River .

  3. 论苏州评弹的叙事方式

    On the Narrative Manners of the Storytelling and Ballad Singing in Suzhou Dialect

  4. 最后以传播学的五个基本要素为出发点,探讨苏州评弹在未来的发展,对它在新时期的传承提出了新的建议。

    Finally , with the five basic elements of Mass Communication as the starting point , this papa-discusses the future development of Suzhou Pingtan and puts forward new proposals for its heritage in the new period .

  5. 苏州评弹源于苏州,19世纪末进入上海并于20世纪30、40年代达到辉煌,成为民众最普遍的娱乐方式。

    Suzhou Pingtan originated in Suzhou and flowed into Shanghai in the latter half of the 19th century . It became one of the most popular entertainments among the masses in the 30s of the 20th century .

  6. 书场,不仅是砖木结构的建筑空间,也是融入苏州文化、评弹文化精髓的社会空间。

    The story houses in Suzhou , were not only the architectural space in bricks , but also the social space with the cultural essence of Suzhou and Suzhou pingtan .