
  • 网络Su Che
  1. 其父亲苏询、弟弟苏辙在当时也是著名的文人。

    His father Su Xun and brother Su Zhe were also renowned literati at that time .

  2. 苏辙,这位名列唐宋八大家之中的古文大家,在中国古代散文发展史上有着重要的地位。

    Su Zhe , one of Tang and Song Eight Essayists , played an important role in the history of ancient essay development .

  3. 在近现代的中国哲学史研究中,对两宋哲学史的研究大多着眼于理学与新学,而苏洵、苏轼、苏辙为代表的蜀学却一直被置于冷落的境地。

    In the study of modern Chinese philosophy , researches on History of Philosophy in North and South Song Dynasties focus on Neo-Confucianism and New Learning whilst Shu Xue represented by Su Xun , Su Shi and Su Zhe is snubbed for quite a long time .

  4. 北宋在散文上的成就也是巨大的,其中欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩,与唐代的韩愈、柳宗元并称“唐宋古文八大家”。

    The prose writing reached another height : Ouyang Xiu , Su Shi , Su Xun , Su Che , Wang Anshi , Zeng Gong of the Song Dynasty and Han Yu , Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty were called The Eight Most Prominent poets of the Tang and Song . "