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  • 网络The Story of Buddhism;Buddhist story
  1. 后来这种以传唱佛教的故事为主要内容形式流传到民间,被民间艺人吸取来讲唱民间通俗故事,最晚在北宋年间已有民间艺人在演唱。

    Later this to sung stories of Buddhism spread to the main content of the form of folk , folk artists were drawn in terms of singing , popular folk stories , the latest years have been in the Northern Song Dynasty folk artists in concert .

  2. 他携回中国的经典中,有的是以通俗形式宣扬佛教道理的故事。

    He took back to China Buddhist texts that include stories teaching Buddhist doctrines in a popular and accessible form .

  3. 短片既融合了佛教教义里的故事顺序,又将敦煌壁画各个时期的优秀作品进行展示和演绎。

    Announcement combines the story of the Buddhist teachings in order and displays and interprets all of Dunhuang murals of outstanding works .

  4. 当华尔纳和他的同行到达这里时,他们发现了历经1000多年的艺术宝库,其中展现了中国各朝代与佛教之间久远的故事。佛教在公元一世纪时,就从印度渗透到了中国。

    When Warner and others like him arrived , they found 1000 years of art that told the story of China 's imperial dynasties and their long relationship with Buddhism , which seeped into China from India in the first century .

  5. 佛教传入中国后,除了在义理上大力宣传以外,还更多地利用佛教典籍中大量的故事、寓言、譬喻、史诗等通俗易懂的形式,使佛教进一步走入广大的百姓中间。

    After it was introduced into China , Buddhism not only propagandized its religious doctrines , but also reached the Chinese people through easily understandable popular stories , fables , analogies and epics in Buddhist works .