
fó yá
  • tooth relic of the Buddha;tooth relic of Buddha
佛牙 [fó yá]
  • [tooth relic of Buddha] 指释迦牟尼火化后遗留下来的牙齿,佛教徒视为珍宝

佛牙[fó yá]
  1. 七月/八月是KandyEsalaPerahera的旅游盛季,10天的节日来纪念佛牙,同时,也是南方Kataragama节时间。

    July / August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera , the10-day festival honouring the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha , and also the time for the Kataragama Festival in the South .

  2. 佛牙装在一个金盒子中,搁在庙的顶层一个暗室里。

    The buddha 's tooth installs in a golden box , puts in a temple top layer darkroom .

  3. 陈世英研究了好几个月,才想出如何在构成同心圆的水晶球中放入佛牙;

    Mr. Chan worked for months to figure out how to encase the tooth in concentric crystal globes ;

  4. 其一是著名的佛牙寺,就坐落在市中心。

    The first is the famed Buddhist sacred Temple of the Tooth , in the very center of town .

  5. 佛牙是斯里兰卡的国宝,谁获得它,就能统治斯里兰卡!

    The buddha 's tooth is Sri Lanka 's national treasure , who obtains it , can rule Sri Lanka !

  6. 有一点很清楚,斯里兰卡人对佛牙坚信不移。

    Some point is very clear , the Sri Lankan to the buddha 's tooth believed that does not move .

  7. 然而最奇特的佛牙毫无疑问是在美国加州洛杉矶的那一颗。

    However , the weirdest of all the Buddha 's teeth is without a doubt the one in Rosemead , California .

  8. 佛牙庙之所以有名,就是因为里面藏着释迦牟尼的一颗牙齿。

    The reason that the buddha 's tooth temple is famous , is because inside is hiding a Buddha 's tooth .

  9. 大致上,它要走完整个路程,回到作为起点的佛牙寺。

    Basically it lasts until it 's gone full circle and has been returned back to the temple where it started .

  10. 在节日期间,数以百计的大象被盛装打扮,向佛祖的佛牙舍利表示敬意,它们会连续十个晚上在城内巡行。

    Hundreds of elephants are dressed up in honour of Buddha 's tooth relic and paraded around the city for ten nights .

  11. 为了让所有人都能看到佛牙,装有佛牙的匣子由佛牙寺的最后一头大象驮着,走遍整个城市。

    The casket is carried on the very last elephant of the Dalada Temple . It 's paraded around for the entire city to see .

  12. 康提古城的佛牙寺里收存着佛祖的圣牙,是著名的佛教朝圣圣地。

    It is also the site of the Temple of the Tooth Relic ( the sacred tooth of the Buddha ), which is a famous pilgrimage site .

  13. 专家们正小心地将两年前在山城康提佛牙舍利庙爆炸后发现的壁画碎片粘合起来。

    Scholars have been slowly piecing together fragments of the murals revealed by the explosion two years ago in the Temple of the Tooth in the hill town of Kandy .

  14. 如果您要去斯里兰卡旅游,记得一定要去康提市,在那里您会看到展出在佛牙寺的圣人释迦牟尼的左犬牙。

    If you ever visit Sri Lanka be sure to drop by the city of Kandy , where you 'll find the sage 's left canine on display in the Temple of the Tooth .

  15. 您的下一次旅游可以驻足在新加坡的佛牙寺和博物馆,在那里您可以欣赏另一位伟大哲人的珍珠般的白牙,它被展出在祈祷室里,纹以雕龙。

    On your next trip you can stop by the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Singapore , where you can admire another one of the philosopher 's pearly whites surrounded by prayer rooms and ornate dragons .

  16. 陈先生最大的、也是最特别的委约作品之一是在90年代末期,一个台湾寺院请他制作一尊三英尺高,镶嵌水晶和红宝石的金舍利塔,用来盛放佛牙圣物。

    One of Mr. Chan 's largest and most unusual commissions came in the late " 90s , when a Taiwanese temple asked him to make a three-foot-high great stupa of gold , crystal and ruby to house a relic believed to be Buddha 's tooth .

  17. 这座辉煌的大理石佛寺内有两座龛位,还有一系列彩绘,纪念佛牙从一处到另一处辗转流落的奥德赛之旅,直至16世纪末终于来到康提,如今,它被安放在小小的金匣子里。

    The sumptuous marble temple contains two large shrines , along with a series of paintings that memorialize the odyssey of the Buddha 's tooth from one place to the next until the end of the 16th century , when it at last arrived in Kandy and is presently entombed in a small gold casket .