
fó jiào tú
  • Buddhist
佛教徒 [fó jiào tú]
  • [Buddhist] 信仰佛教的人

  1. 她是个佛教徒。

    She 's a Buddhist .

  2. 他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。

    He is a holy buddhist .

  3. 那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。

    It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists .

  4. 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们

    The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy , persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony .

  5. 湿婆教在中爪哇恢复统治后,并没有导致佛教徒与印度教徒之间的对立

    The return of Saivite rule to central Java had brought no antagonism between Buddhists and Hindus .

  6. 卢怿明说福餐饮集团老板方元(FangYuan)是虔诚的佛教徒,开设一家素餐厅是其多年的夙愿。

    Lu says that Fang Yuan , the owner of the Fu restaurants , is a Buddhist , and had been wanting to open a vegetarian restaurant for years .

  7. 事情发生经过如下,六零年间嬉皮年代,当JuneCampbell在苏格兰家乡成为一名佛教徒后,她接着就旅行到印度并在那里出家成为比丘尼。

    What happened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland in the hippie Sixties , she travelled to India where she became a nun .

  8. “这和其他男人完全不同,那些人总是一杯一杯地给你灌酒。Keith好像一点也不赶时髦,不随大流--我还以为他是个佛教徒。”

    So different to all the guys that ply you with rioja . Keith seemed so untouched by needless fashion and peer pressure - I thought he was a Buddhist ! '

  9. 负责这项研究的AndrewNewberg博士通过对在进行祈祷,诵经或冥想的修女,修士以及佛教徒的脑部扫描,发现人们的宗教思维体验与大脑之间的微妙联系。

    But by scanning the brains of praying nuns , chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists Dr Andrew Newberg has shown a connection between the brain and religious experiences .

  10. 佛教徒集中在东部地区和中部Terrai地区。

    Buddhists are mostly concentrated in the eastern regions and the central Terrai .

  11. 身着印度传统服饰托蒂(dhotis)的佛教徒。

    and disciples wearing Indian dhotis .

  12. 传说,Sokushinbutsu是指通过一种独特的方式自行死去的佛教徒和僧人,这种特殊死亡方式我们称为木乃伊化。

    It is said that a " Sokushinbutsu " is a monk who died through a special , natural process , which we call Live Mummification .

  13. 来自蒙古的佛教徒ByambasurenBatochir在在女装店门外边等他的妻子,边照看他四个月大的儿子。

    Byambasuren Batochir , a Buddhist from Mongolia , was looking after his four-month-old son , Javkha , outside a women 's clothes shop , waiting for his wife .

  14. 欢迎所有佛教徒(出家及在家众)参加。

    Open to all Buddhist , Monks and Nuns & laypeople .

  15. 尼泊尔的印度教徒和佛教徒都相信转世轮回。

    Nepal 's Hindus and Buddhists believe in thedoctrine of reincarnation .

  16. 尊贵的法王噶m巴说,他是一位佛教徒、一位修行者。

    His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism .

  17. 那么,你是佛教徒什么的了

    So , what , are you Buddhist , or something ?

  18. 在北方,公元955年,佛教徒遭受到严重迫害。

    In northern China , Buddhists were heavily persecuted in 955 .

  19. 慕名前来朝拜的佛教徒与游客人数逐年增长。

    The numbers of Buddhist pilgrims and other tourists have grown .

  20. 其中,重点建构了中国佛教徒形象。

    In which the key construction is Chinese Buddhists image .

  21. 信众问:佛教徒只拜佛不要拜天神?

    Devotee : Do Buddhists only worship Buddha but not Celestial spirits ?

  22. 佛教徒对自然的尊敬可能表现在实际行动中。

    Buddhist respect for nature may find expression in practical ways too .

  23. 佛教徒从来没有考虑其他生物作为自己的敌人。

    Buddhists never regard other living beings as their enemies .

  24. 王成每天都诵经,总的来说,他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。

    Every day Wang chanted Buddhist sutras , or scripture .

  25. 我是一个反佛教徒冒险旅行作家。

    I 'm a Buddhist monk slash adventure travel writer .

  26. 因此,我认为我是一个佛教徒。

    I think , therefore , I am a Buddhist .

  27. 如果您是佛教徒,建议您去南山走走。

    You may go around Nanshan Temple if you are a Buddhist .

  28. 佛教徒危机是冷战中涉及宗教的一个案例。

    Buddhist crisis is a case of the Cold War involved religion .

  29. 那是他们的本质,所以很难说任何一个人不是佛教徒。

    It 's very difficulty to say someone is not a Buddhist .

  30. 大多数僧伽罗人是佛教徒;大多数泰米尔人是印度教徒。

    Most Sinhalese are Buddhist ; most Tamils are Hindu .